The Sunset Grande F7B Units don't have backup lights.
There are four states in the QSI Titan Magnum for the lights. Forward, Neutral from Forward. Reverse. Neutral From Reverse. All sorts of things can be independently done in each state. The most basic example might be changing combos between bright, dim and off. But strobes, etc. are in there, too.
The F7A backup light came from the factory programmed to be dim in Forward, NFF and NFR and bright in Reverse.
All lights are LEDs. Came from the factory too bright for my taste. Will individually program them to set intensities I like and to function in the four states the way I like them to.
The fun you can have with out-of-the-box QSI Titan DCC equipped engines which run well, sound great and have lots of lighting features. All easily programmed. Many horn, bell, prime mover, etc sound choices all in the firmware. Repeat Out Of The Box.
When I converted from 3RS to 2 rail all my 3 rail buddies accused me of "going over to the dark side." Not anymore!