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I would greatly appreciate advice on switches as I plan my first layout. I'm pretty new to the hobby and enjoy prewar and postwar Lionel, Marx, and American Flyer (particularly streamlined locos), though I may get some slightly bigger modern equipment down the road. I’m using SCARM to do a rough design of the planned layout, with sample images shown here.

The main line has curves of 054 and part of it is elevated (grade changes of 3.4 degrees given footprint constraints).  The other line has minimum curves of O42, no elevation and passes once under the main line. There is also a completely elevated and simple third line, but for ease of reference, I have not depicted it here.

I am planning to buy Tinman 3Rail once they restock (this fall?) to have U.S.-made tubular track that is in good shape with a classic and consistent look (rather than piecing together different Lionel and K-line track from over the years), but I am up in the air on which switches to use. It seems 072 switches are the best “fit” when doing the design, they may be the least drastic / jarring coming out of curves (one is at the base of the main line’s descent/ascent due to space constraints), and they offer flexibility in terms of being able to run larger locos.

Am I misinterpreting these perceived benefits of O72 switches, and would vintage O22, O42 or O54 switches work just as well (I can tweak the design in SCARM to fit these)? Drawbacks of 072 seem to be the far higher cost, less common availability, and most that I have seen are relatively new and made in China (and perhaps less reliable/robust than O22). Ross is out of my price range and I prefer original / vintage if possible, but it looks like Tinman only offers advice on repairing 072 switches.

Before I look to start investing in all of this track, I would appreciate the wisdom of experienced model train enthusiasts. Thank you for any advice you can provide as my children and I plan ahead for our first layout!


Images (3)
  • SCARM overview
  • SCARM sideview.png
  • SCARM sideview 2
Last edited by Brian H
Original Post

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To add substantially to your conundrum, anyone with proclivities towards the prewar era (Flyer O, IVES, Lionel JR, Lionel O27), and all eras of Marx must deal with the single reduction motor "fat wheel" issue, as well as the Lionel slide shoe issue. There are many threads on each of these subjects, but in a nutshell, "fat" wheels do not traverse most available switches and Lionel slide shoes can snag on some switch styles and be ripped off. To add to this, some modern rollers can fall into gaps in switches designed for fat wheels and/or slide pickups.

The best way around all these issues is an independent line with no switches or crossovers. Failing this, certain Marx switches (metal) and Lionel 1121 can be made reasonably compatible with most equipment, but are only available as O27. Although somewhat hard to find, another reasonably viable option is the use of Flyer prewar switches. These are only available in O31 and O40, however. I would avoid trying to incorporate a 90deg crossing, since there is no easy solution for such a track piece.  Note that switches from the Czech manufacturer Merkur would also work, or prewar Hornby.

While not directly on topic, this thread and this one might be helpful, as well as this one.

Looking beyond the various prewar issues; if you do not mind the 031 limitation, O22 (O42 manual) switches are highly reliable and the defacto standard for tubular track. Prewar 711 (0-72) switches are also highly regarded. Modern Lionel 072 switches are usually less reliable, as are most attempts at O22 re-issue or replacements. Avoid the ill-designed Lionel 3010 and 3011. If you can find them, Kline/ Kline by Lionel/ O Line/ RMT "Super Snap" switches are quite nice, have good reliability and are available in several curve sizes.

Last edited by Überstationmeister

Thank you very much for the helpful insights. I have a completely elevated 3rd line that is not depicted which I can use for any equipment that runs into the issues that you flagged. I will look into the other posts to get additional background regarding these challenges. My family is currently living in Europe, so we will look into the Merkur option. Their beer wagons and other products look fantastic!

If you have any other feedback regarding the mainline switches O72 vs. O22 I would greatly appreciate it.

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