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Hello everyone, first post.  This site was suggested to me by a friend on another forum (boating).  


I'm working on expanding my O layout and will now have two rooms configured in reverse loops with Fastrack switches.  In the main room, I use 048 curve remote switches to go into a side loop and I noticed that as the train approaches, it will click the switch to the proper position upon leaving the curve and entering the main line.


I want the same think to happen on my reverse loop switches.  The question is, will manual switches do this?  Or do I need remote switches?



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Agreed Fast Track Manual Switches do have the same non-electrical non-derailing feature. If the train goes straight thru the switch (mainline) and then comes back around to the spur or turnout side, the front drivers of the engine will manually move the switch so the train can return to the mainline.


The only issue is that it will revers each time as it is now set for the turnout on its next pass and the process will start again.

I think we can all agree that fastrack manual switches have a mechanical non-derailing feature that works great. The only problem I have encountered that when backing a train through a switch sometimes a really light caboose will not flip the rails over and will derail.

But the is the ONLY problem.

Thank you very much everyone!  I guess I'll just go manual switches then.

I would be remiss if I didn't share my current layout...  

Where the train makes a left turn at the end of the hall, it will now switch right instead, into the library and back from a reverse loop in that room.  And the main rooms will transform into one big reverse loop with a oval siding.;

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