Welcome to the HAZY HOT AND HUMID! edition of the best weekly thread on the Forum, SWSat!
I'll be your yard master again this week while Patrick is out of town.
For the uninitiated- SWSat is a fun place to jump into the engineers or fireman's seat on a GEEP, ALCO, End-cab, 0-4-0 steamer or saddle tanker, Plymouth, or even a Track-mobile. The thread is open to all gauges, shapes, and sizes, foreign or domestic, old or new, steam, diesel, or electric, so feel free to share what you like.
Just make sure you own the pictures you are posting, or get permission to post from the owner.
Last week I saw an article in our local paper about the 180th anniversary of LIRR serivice to Greenport LI. I had started a thread here. Obviously in the early days, steam was king but the mighty G-5's eventually gave way to diesels.
So what better to share this week but my LIRR K-line Greenport Scoot set. I bought the original set from Trainz in 2017, which included a MP-15, 3 coaches, and a Alco PA dummy. I have added 2 more coaches that I bought from a forum member a couple years ago.
The LIRR started "scoot service" in the early 1970's as a "push-pull" shuttle to serve various low ridership branches. The Scoot trains used various power units from RS-1's to GP-9's. The ALCO PA's were equipped with cab controls to allow for head end train control. The 1980's brought the EMD MP-15's into service as modeled in the K-line set.
The LIRR has a substantial fleet of MP-15's still in service today, mostly on work and MOW trains.
And just because, a more recent addition to the fleet a MTH LIRR SW-8 w/PS-2 5V pulls my complete Scoot train with the 2 add on coaches that K-line offered.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.