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My apologies for missing last week, sort of got extremely busy and even missed my bedtime.

With that said, here we are once again at the 2019 NJ HiRailers hosting OGR's 50th Anniversary. First one is a quick dash along the layout, second one starts a few topside views looking down. If you listen carefully, someone says, "Some lady wanted to know if we take this down every year."


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My apologies for missing last week, sort of got extremely busy and even missed my bedtime.

With that said, here we are once again at the 2019 NJ HiRailers hosting OGR's 50th Anniversary. First one is a quick dash along the layout, second one starts a few topside views looking down. If you listen carefully, someone says, "Some lady wanted to know if we take this down every year."

The wonderful time I had with the NJHR guys will forever live in my memories!!!  Top notch layout by a Top Notch group!!

@bluelinec4 Ben, when it is installed you'll have to have someone post a video of Superman going round and round.

@OGR CEO-PUBLISHER Alan, it was indeed a great time with great hosts. If no one had said anything to me, I would have missed it entirely. It is a good thing that those I have come to know as good friends told me or rather asked me if I was going. I'm glad I did, even though coming in the home stretch the snow on the road scared me on the circle.

Outstanding video!  Have you placed the Empire State Building  on the layout yet and if so, do you have any pics? It was fun to read about that build in OGR magazine and it would be nice to see its final disposition.

Thanks!  I am in the process of painting the ESB and then will TRY to find a place for it.  I need to take some updated pictures of the layout and post them here!


Alan your cityscape is simply amazing.  You hi-rises and skyscrapers are beyond compare, except for doze guyz in Paterson, New Joisy.


My favorite resides a little right of center in this photo and doesn't appear in the first video.  It's slanted roofs have got the Citicorp building in Manhattan beat hands down, however that is not why it's my favorite.  I remember the story behind it and the fact that it is actually two bridges  combined base to base and stood on end with some smoked plexi for the windows is the embodiment of the imagination and creativity behind the construction of many of the skyscrapers on display.  When it comes to tall buildings you truly think outside the box and the result is phenomenal.

It is good to see so much extra chatter here. It has been quite a while since I've watched one of Alan's videos, in fact prior to me joining this forum I stumbled across his channel via one of my YouTube searches.

It was sort of one of those domino effects type searches. One channel led me to another, and then to another. I for the life of me don't remember what the criteria was, but heck, it could have been anything to do with going through the city. I know one of my prior searches was on Grand Central Terminal and the old Pennsylvania Station. I know a few channels that have models of them.

Here we are at last. The last video I have to contribute from the NJ HiRailers 50th Anniversary Party for OGR. Not too much going on here, a few buildings can be seen, not skyscrapers, but not small neither. I guess more of the in between the two, but somewhat tall regardless. The Big Boy sends us off. I hope someone else can add some tall buildings to keep Skip's topic going.


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MTH Maple Donuts building with six 1-story additions:


I acquired a used MTH Maple Donuts building a couple years ago.  I recently bought an assortment of six 1-story additions, so I pulled out the old building to make a 9 story tower.  Much of the effort involved carefully popping out 101 windows and 10 doors for repainting in Rustoleum Camo flat earth brown.  After masking the front window and roof, the sections were stacked and painted with Rustoleum Camo Khaki.  I left off all the window awnings except on the first floor front.  I blacked out random windows using black paper in place of the frosted glass. This was necessary as the window glass in the windows with the discarded awnings have notches that preclude their re-use.  The blue fire escapes were painted with Krylon matte black to match the others.  On re-assembly with the included adapters, the sections did not fit tightly together, so I had to remove about a 1/16" from the long standoffs that the adapters screw into.

I need to come up with a name for the tower for the sign that goes on the top floor.  I am also thinking of painting the front awning brown as the bright blue color is a little too bold.







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Last edited by RRDOC

I've been thinking of Skip lately, likely due to the upcoming Christmas season as well as my on-going work to complete backgrounds that largely consist of industrial buildings (background buildings qualify as tall buildings, right?). Skip's tremendous passion for the hobby, NY City and NY Central was reflected in his multiple layouts. I went through the first 4 pages of this thread this evening, and will go through another 4 tomorrow, and so on, until I am caught up. It is still hard to believe that he is gone, though hopefully in a better place.

Here's the just completed corner of my industrial area, with emphasis on large Beer Factory . Note the extra-large vat on the roof of one of the buildings - I used a basket case O-scale water tower. At the rate of consumption within Pennsylvania alone, there are currently three shifts working and goal is to raise the level in the vat to the top. The brown buildings are by Menards - three of them side by side with different sides showing creating one large structure. I really miss beer...same old story, I loved it, but it didn't love me.



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Last edited by Paul Kallus

I decided that my MTH Maple donuts/extra stories tall building needed an update.  I designed and 3D printed two different cornices for the top and 2nd to top floor.  I downloaded images from the web to make updated signs for my preferred donut brand and also to name the building.






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Thanks Paul.  They have the high points (see what I did there?) of the New York City skyline down pat.  I remember Alex building the Pan Am building.  The Daily Planet building from Metropolis is an added bonus that unfortunately I never saw in person.  The new place just has to have room for all of those!!!!!

Tall Building Tuesday on a much smaller scale.


Statue of Liberty   305'                                                                                                                                                                              Empire State Building   1454'                                                                                                                                                                    Chrysler Building   1046'                                                                                                                                                                            Flatiron Building   285'                                                                                                                                                                              1World Trade Center   1776' 


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