It appears that some folks posting here don't like the power exercised by the executive committee. The executive committee are the following elected officials:
TCA President, TCA President-Elect, TCA Treasurer, Immediate Past TCA President. The national TCA secretary is a non voting member of the executive committee.
These are all TCA members elected by a majority of all TCA members voting in a national TCA election. They have been elected to govern by a majority of members nationally. Seems pretty democratic to me.
Kent, in a matter this important the Executive Committee over-stepped their authority. This matter should have been delayed - two months - so that the decision and alternate membership options could have been discussed by the entire National Board of Directors. Sadly, the Executive Committee is NOT elected by a majority of all TCA members and they along with all TCA members need to be reminded of this. Do you really know who the President, President-elect, or any National Officer is after reading a few lines in the ballot information TCA provides? In the last election, barely 20% of all TCA members voted and that was after TCA gave them a stamp to do so. Yes, elected by a majority of those who voted, but hardly a majority of members nationally.
Local Division elections have a far better turnout than those held nationally. As a dues paying TCA member, your only real representation is when the full Board of Directors meets either by teleconference or at the National Convention and as such you should be concerned by one simple fact. When the full Board of Directors meets the 20 Divisions outweigh the National Officers 20 to 6. (the second and third Past Presidents do not have a vote) When the Executive Committee meets the National Officers outweigh the Divisions 4 to 3. Those four officers, elected by 20%, make decisions that affect all of us.