The Second TCA Train Show this winter in Florida and the Annual Southeast Florida TCA Train Meet will be held on Saturday, February 24th at the Havert Fenn Center in Ft. Pierce. The show opens to TCA members at 9:00 AM and to the public at 10:00 AM and closes at 2 PM.
The Fenn Center is a remarkable building for hosting shows such as ours. It provides 22,000 square feet of exhibit space in one large well-lighted room. There is a separate area for food service.
Attached is a flyer with more details. And note the additional special attraction of the Savannah Classic Car Club who will have many of their COOL cars on display – 2 shows for one small admission price!
If you still need more information, contact Forum Member Al Galli at the email or phone number shown on the flyer.
Just a reminder and also to let TCA members who want a table know that there are still a few tables available! Tables are only $20 each for TCA members who are also Southern Division members and $30 each for other TCA members.