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Grab a fresh cup of coffee, it's time for TTT!

From operators of highly detailed layouts to those with a simple loop of tinplate, everyone is welcome to participate in our weekly Team Track adventures.

Don't have a Team Track? No worries, any track will do. Share a few pictures of what's being loaded, unloaded, parked, or exhibited on your railroad. Pictures of real trains are welcome, too!

What is a Team Track?

Team tracks (aka: public delivery tracks and transload facilities) have long been an important part of railroad operations. They can be found in rural countrysides, small towns, and large cities. These non-dedicated sidings make it possible for any small businesses to access to the nation's rail network. Virtually any type of freight car can be on/off loaded at a team track. One week it might be a load of quickrete and the next a reefer full of produce. The possibilities are endless.


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Original Post

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Good morning team tracks fans!   Abbrail - thanks for getting us rolling!  I love the photos you put up today.  They show the essence of team track operations from back in the day.   

Lee - it's great to see your posts again on many OGR Forum threads and especially this one.  It's great to have  your perspective as a professional trucker who has served many team tracks throughout your career.  

In honor of Lee's return I've pulled up some photos from the TTT archives.  Delta Trucking Co. has been contracted by the FSJR to unload piggy back flat cars circus style ( I model post war 1940s - 1960 and I think this Ford C cab will just about squeeze into the upper end of that time frame  ... if not I'll have to reshoot the scenes using a tractor that does ... LOL! .  

Be safe out there everyone ... Be safe = Be well!

As the switch engine has gone to bring to the team tracks more piggyback cars from the yard, Delta Trucking Co. tractor backs up the ramp to hook onto the first trailer, a Union Pacific.  IMG_2456

All hooked up and ready the tractor driver, Lee, gets ready to pull the trailer down the ramp. IMG_2459

Lee brings the trailer to the trailer lot where the customers' tractor will hook on and take the trailer to its final destination. IMG_2485

Lee drives the tractor back to flatcar for another pull. fullsizeoutput_3aa

Ned assists Lee with hand signals as Lee skillfully backs the tractor up the ramp and will back up to the next trailer. IMG_2504

The first trailer Lee pulled off the flatcar waits for customer pick up. fullsizeoutput_3a8

Later in the morning another of  Lees' pulls, a NYC Pacemaker trailer,  awaits a customers' tractor. fullsizeoutput_39a

Still at it  Lee has plenty of trailers to go.   Lee is a busy dude this morning!  IMG_2517


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Last edited by trumpettrain

Good morning team tracks fans!   Abbrail - thanks for getting us rolling!  I love the photos you put up today.  They show the essence of team track operations from back in the day.   

Lee - it's great to see your posts again on many OGR Forum threads and especially this one.  It's great to have  your perspective as a professional trucker who has served many team tracks throughout your career.  

In honor of Lee's return I've pulled up some photos from the TTT archives.  Delta Trucking Co. has been contracted by the FSJR to unload piggy back flat cars circus style ( I model post war 1940s - 1960 and I think this Ford C cab will just about squeeze into the upper end of that time frame  ... if not I'll have to reshoot the scenes using a tractor that does ... LOL! .  

Be safe out there everyone ... Be safe = Be well!

As the switch engine has gone to bring to the team tracks more piggyback cars from the yard, Delta Trucking Co. tractor backs up the ramp to hook onto the first trailer, a Union Pacific.  IMG_2456

All hooked up and ready the tractor driver, Lee, gets ready to pull the trailer down the ramp. IMG_2459

Lee brings the trailer to the trailer lot where the customers' tractor will hook on and take the trailer to its final destination. IMG_2485

Lee drives the tractor back to flatcar for another pull. fullsizeoutput_3aa

Ned assists Lee with hand signals as Lee skillfully backs the tractor up the ramp and will back up to the next trailer. IMG_2504

The first trailer Lee pulled off the flatcar waits for customer pick up. fullsizeoutput_3a8

Later in the morning another of  Lees' pulls, a NYC Pacemaker trailer,  awaits a customers' tractor. fullsizeoutput_39a

Still at it  Lee has plenty of trailers to go.   Lee is a busy dude this morning!  IMG_2517

Patrick. I’m glad today is over I was busy dropping/picking up containers today in St. Louis mo. and on the Freedom State Junction Railway. Time to rest and look at the talent on the Forum. Thanks again Patrick to take the time for a tribute to me.

Lee, it's great to see some real trains (and trucks) represented in this week's TTT.

Could the Valley Railway really have plans to bring steam back to the valley? Evidence is mounting. Earlier today, this old steamer was spotted at the Everett Team Track.


Meanwhile, over in Plasticville....

Little-abbrail grabbed a picture of barrels being loaded at his Plasticville Team Track.



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@lee drennen posted:

Patrick. Sorry for the late reply I WAS really busy this morning. Thank you for a lovely tribute you don’t know how much it means to me and up lifting. The pics looks great too.

Lee - You are most welcome! The pleasure was all mine I assure you.   I know how bad covid is and how horribly awful it can make one feel.  My cousin is just getting over it.  He was in the hospital for over  2 weeks  and had to wait two days in the emergency room before getting a bed.  His wife was in the hospital over 3 weeks with covid.   I know two people who have died with it and several others who have had it with extended hospital stays and are still having repercussions.  I'm so glad you have kicked covid and are feeling well again.  It's great to have you back on the Forum, for you always add a nice dimension of  insight and depth with your many posts.  Enjoy your trains and  stay well my friend!

Patrick it’s  people like like you and several others that make this forum what it is caring for each other when trouble times hit and not about there Hobby but the person. Once again thanks my friend and I hope your cousin is getting better and sorry for your loss.

Tom. Thanks for having me here I’ll try to catch as many real TTT as I can. Thanks for the complement

Last edited by lee drennen

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