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It's hard to believe this is our last Team Track Tuesday of 2020. What a year!

From operators of highly detailed layouts to those with a simple loop of tinplate, everyone is welcome to participate in our weekly adventure.

Don't have a Team Track? No worries, any track will do. Share some pictures of what's being loaded, unloaded, parked, or exhibited on your railroad. Pictures of real trains are welcome, too!

What is a Team Track?

Team tracks (aka: public delivery tracks and transload facilities) have long been an important part of railroad operations. They can be found in rural countrysides, small towns, and large cities. These non-dedicated sidings make it possible for any small businesses to access to the nation's rail network. Virtually any type of freight car can be on/off loaded at a team track. One week it might be a load of lumber and the next a reefer full of ice-cream. The possibilities are endless.


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Last edited by abbrail
Original Post

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The annual Valley Railway Christmas Tree Buy Back is underway at the Everett Team Track. Until several years ago, residents would commonly discard their old Christmas trees along the railway's right-of-way. This was often done from overpasses as trains moved along the line. No one really remembers how the tradition began, but railway officials have worked tirelessly to end it. In exchange for a used Christmas tree, Everett residents are given a $5 voucher that can be used at many local shops.



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Good morning fellow team trackers!   Abrail that is quite a nice story regarding the buy back program for discarded Christmas trees.

A MOW crew is making use of the team track in Danlilu on the Mountain Division.  Looks like Buzzie need to close the door on the outhouse when in use, however, Slim and Cleavis pay no attention as they discuss what needs to be done.     Happy New Year to everyone!!  Be safe = Be well!  IMG_6803fullsizeoutput_530


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@abbrail posted:


"You can't put a price on tradition.", Elaine J. Hermanson. "My family has been tree tossin' since my grandfather was a little boy. We aren't going to stop for a measly five dollar coupon. Ten, maybe."

Well Thomas there seems to be a learning curve to everything.  Hopefully next year the railroad will up the buy back price and tree tossing will become a thing of the past LOL!  Happy New Year to you!!!  

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