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Thank you all for the kind comments about my website, but the best is yet to come under a whole new format. A format that I can more readily keep updated without going through my Webmaster daughter who just has not had the time to do so.

The updated site, based on a blog format, should be up by Monday with limited content. I will then begin to repopulate it with my thoughts, better content, pics and videos.

I'm excited about this opportunity to share more ideas, content and information on the WarrenvilleRailroad with everyone, on this great OGR forum and with other individuals who love our great hobby.

Updates will follow as progress is made.

Last edited by Lionelski
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So, the new site is up! I look forward to sharing more of Warrenville with you, as well as miscellaneous thoughts.

It will be refined, and more new photos added to the Gallery as time goes on. It's only been 4 days since it was set up.

Check out my Blog Posts - I added new stuff and you can now add your comments.

As I can now make additions and changes myself, I'm gonna try to keep the site fresh by adding new Blog posts about once a week too.  Check it periodically for my new words of wisdom (LOL).

At this time I ask a few things of you:

If you find any issues with the new site please email me. My email address is in my profile.

Comment on the Blog posts if you are so inclined, but PLEASE keep all comments train related.

I have a bunch of Blog post subjects in mind, but if there is a subject you'd like me to address please let me know too - either here or via email.

Much appreciated

Last edited by Lionelski

Hey, @Lionelski. This isn't a major issue, but one thing I noticed is that when you click to the gallery, the address is, which I assume is probably not what you intended.

Also, you might want to edit the settings on your OGR page so that your signature is included in new posts by default. That way more people will see your website.

Last edited by bigboy25
@bigboy25 posted:

Hey, @Lionelski. This isn't a major issue, but one thing I noticed is that when you click to the gallery, the address is, which I assume is probably not what you intended.

Also, you might want to edit the settings on your OGR page so that your signature is included in new posts by default. That way more people will see your website.

Thanks for the input bigboy25

I just opened the gallery on my PC (Microsoft EDGE), on my laptop (Google Chrome) and on my I Phone with  no problems. I know very little about computers but maybe you need to clear Cache or something - this seems to be the default suggestion people tell me when I have issues like yours.

I know that there is an issue with some Gallery pics not enlarging when they are clicked on - these are the pics that we migrated over from my old website. I gotta get around to deleting these and replacing them with updated new ones.

In the meantime I'm having fun playing with trains and posting to the site. Did you find time to review the posts to date? Any suggestions for future content?

Also appreciate your comment about editing my signature on the forum - I'll address this this morning.

Have fun and stay safe,

Last edited by Lionelski

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