OGR Webmaster posted:<SNIP>Case in point...
The dealers and manufacturers set up in the Orange Hall during the day on Wednesday and on Thursday morning. However, on Thursday we are not allowed to take any boxes or containers OUT of the building once we take them inside! Everyone has various boxes and containers that are part of the booth setup, but cannot stay in the booth during the show. To make space to work in the booth, they have to go back to the trailer, truck or whatever for the duration of the show. However, we cannot remove anything from the building until the show officially opens on Thursday.
Because of this paranoia about someone stealing something, getting an unfair deal before the show starts or whatever, the opening of the show on Thursday is a mess. When the doors open, TCA members are trying to get into the hall while other people are trying to take empty boxes, parts containers, hand trucks and other materials OUT of the hall! It makes for an interesting traffic jam at the doors for several minutes.
This rule about not removing boxes from the hall before the show starts is paranoia at its finest. It is also another situation that is unique to York. This NEVER happens at other shows we do.
In the center of the EDTCA Registration mailer there is 'A FEW REMINDERS' listing with a brief notion on containers:
"For SECURITY only empty boxes may be removed from the hall during set-up." (my stressing of 'empty')
What's your problem with that?
Ron M