We wish you had been there too Ben., You're always a great addition. But someone has to keep those friendly, kind, considerate New york straphangers happy. Besides which, you were probably one of the very few who was actually PLAYING with trains and undoubtedly the only one who was playing with real trains.
NCJoe, it was really great to get to meet you and Christine and talk to you at the dinner.
Paul from Va, as always great to see you. Sounds like playing with trains versus golfing with the Golden Bear is one heck of a tough choice. I'm not a golfer, but I'd take the golfing under those circumstances.
Ted, I think Beantown just might be on a roll in the entire sports world. It's tough to take some days -- or years, or decades. From a 76er fan rooting for his team in the 60's. It's only ego, money, prestige, superiority and the aura of permanent defeat.
JimD -- GREAT photography.
Paul from RI, hope all is well. I missed you. Don't recall whether Marty or Captain John told me you had been ill.
David, as always great to see you. I missed the boat. Got to sell you records for 69 cents back in the day, and now you're buying engines for $2,300 (or whatever the Lionel will cost). That's more than the Mustang cost when it came out. But that just dates me.
Alex, thanks for taking that car. I have to get a set of passenger cars to you for upgrading also. I will be in touch.
Alan, great to see you again. OGR really got a winner in you.
I now give up. Too many people, too much to say.