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Bought this sometime ago locally, and thought it looked like it might be a ticket puncher.

Is there anyway to identify it as so ?

Ive done some research and it appears that  railroads ,trolleys and bus lines used ones that appeared similar.

Also would it harm or 86B10DC7-FA53-4780-BCEC-7816A2B49957EC5F39DC-D3E5-42F5-B135-FC04D449E7B3F910CCE9-C37C-472C-A392-6E573D3AFFA0130C71F3-C37B-40B2-846F-B0FA93AC807016A382D8-93F4-41BA-8C91-6ACDEBD36DDChelp the puncher to clean it ? I thought about putting it into my electrolysis  tank .



Images (5)
  • 86B10DC7-FA53-4780-BCEC-7816A2B49957
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  • 16A382D8-93F4-41BA-8C91-6ACDEBD36DDC
Last edited by mackb4
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Agreed, i.e. a ticket punch. I remember, back in my high school railfanning days, the various Engineers and Conductors I befriended, on my hometown Lackawanna RR, explained that each Conductor and Trainman in passenger service had their own unique ticket punch. Thus, there were many hundreds of unique patterns of the hole, which indicated exactly who "punched the ticket". 

Thanks for the responses so far.

I thought it might be missing some sort of spring for the return since the ones I looked at online had either had a spring mounted from one side towards the inside somehow,or one that went from side to side.

Never thought about the paperboy punchers.

What's everyone's thoughts on how I should clean it ? Is electrolysis to harsh of a cleaning method for it ?     

smd4 posted:

What's it made out of? Sort of looks like brass in some photos. 

I'm not sure how electrolysis cleaning works.

Looks like just plain ordinal run of the mill soft steel, not tin or brass...I mostly sure .

The simple tank I use is a plastic tote , with  rods wired to bolts attached to the sides wired in a relay, energized by a battery charger, add water and Armor Hammer Super Soda (not baking soda) as the activating agent because it's got sodium carbonate  .

Usually takes off most soft rust and leaves paint (usually). Really does great on soft and some hard metals.

It really gets between cracks and seams.

Last edited by mackb4

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