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@StevefromPA posted:

Those are some very, very nice buildings and accessories- it looks like AF Litho-Land will turn out great!

Your last picture piqued my interest. Do you know who made the five figures in the green box? Also- what size are they, roughly? If I recall correctly, it wasn’t until Postwar that Gilbert AF had Comet Metal Products/Authenticast Products figures for them that were marketed as American Flyer

The O gauge figures in the box are Dinky. They came via eBay. I have two different sets. Leaving them in the boxes to keep them in good shape until the layout is much further along. My Standard Gauge figures often fall over and ding up their noses.

Layout vignette: Bing's "Superior Railway Station" No. 13130, 1902-14. This example with one arc lamp and interior that was electrified a long time ago. This tinplate large station features wall embossing, attached window and door frames, glass windows, tower-like central building with passage, embossed roof with telegraph frame, 2 side buildings, embossed roofs, 1 passage with corrugated iron arched roof with decorative borders, railings with chains, one arc lamp with sign, and a clockwork bell mechanism.



Images (5)
  • P1240096
  • P1240097
  • P1240098
  • P1240099
  • P1240094

Steve / Jim- beautiful stations.  Jim the way you have yours detailed with period "people" is just outstanding.  Arnie - the Brimtoy engine is really spectacular, especially the lithography of the engineer and fireman inside the cab.  Daniel - WOW what a set, beautiful and amazing that you were able to find it in such a condition. I must admit, I was curious about the second car, it appears to have a cabin in the center and the two ends are more narrow and carrying cargo?  I could not place what type car it is.  Knowing JEP it must be well modeled after a prototype as their works were always quite realistic.

Great pictures everyone


jhz563, the Golden Arrow set has been a dream for many boys in that time, it was the most expensive model from JEP and the price of it was a month salary of an employee, anyway many where sold and they are not rare to find

Don and Art,  the car is a baggage car. There is a central cab for the crew and two containers. When the train has to cross the Channel between France and Great Britain the containers where removed and placed in the ferry.   The containers on the JEP car are not removable.

To give you a better illustration here a picture of an Elettren car, scale model of the original.




Images (2)
  • DCP03413
  • DCP03415

This week, I had repaired 3 similar locos.

The brown is a Bing 11/456 (1927-1929) and the green is a Bub 477L (1936-1937) , which was made with the Bing tools. Both clockwork.


And a Bing 11/883 electic loco. Was made 1928-1932 and has the last Bing motor.


Together with the 11/456 clockwork loco. The 11/883 is much bigger.




Images (10)
  • bub477l-08
  • bub477l-09
  • bub477l-10
  • bub477l-11
  • bub477l-13
  • bi11883-01
  • bi11883-06
  • bi11883-08
  • bi11883-10
  • bi11883-11

What great posts!  Daniel, thanks for the info on the baggage car in your JEP Golden Arrow set.  It certainly is a unique configuration and one that I have never seen before.  Arne - beautiful locos for sure.  Well my contribution today is considerably more mundane, although not for me.  I have had the Lionel #252 loco from 1927-28 for many years but I could not find the proper passenger cars to go with it.  Lionel used the #252 in a number of colors actually in set # 294 but the Lt. Olive color came with matching Lt Olive #529 Pullmans and #530 Observation.  I had the (supposedly) more valuable terra - cotta color but simply could not locate the Lt. Olive.  Finally on e-bay I was able to secure at least the #529 Pullmans (still have the #530 to go) in the Lt. Olive color scheme.  The #252 + two #529 Pullmans + #530 observation in the Lt Olive scheme was Lionel set #294 in 1927-28.  So at this point I have 4/5 of the set!!  By the way for trivia buffs, the #529/530 was exactly the same car as the #629/630 but Lionel (in 1927) charged $.15 more per car for the #529's.  Now $.15 in 1927 was not a trifling sum as it is today, for 2 Pullmans and an observation that was almost 1/2 a dollar.  Why so much more for just a different number ?  Lionel claimed it was due to the presence of the blue celluloid window treatments over the windows in the #529's ...who knows, but you can see the treatments in the following photo.

Here are the two Pullmans, note the blue celluloid treatment over the windows .  By the way, I know that there are no wheels and axles on the cars...they came with the proper ones but I have them cleaning and will replace them tomorrow.  These cars did not have journal boxes in 1927-28 so that is accurate.  These frames, properly, do not have the slots for journal boxes so they are correct.

Lionel 529 Pullman [2)

Here is a close up of one of the cars.  you can see the window treatment, the fact that the frame is properly embossed with  two springs over each axle and a simulated air tank and steps under each door.  The earlier cars, even in this color scheme have rubber stamping on the bottom of the frame stating..."Lionel Lines, made in USA" however in 1927-28 they replaced that rubber stamping which what is called an "oil label", just a paper label glued to the bottom of the frame giving lubrication instructions.  These cars do have the appropriate oil label.

Lionel 529 Pullman - single car

Well not the most rare or valuable, but the end of a (Partial) long term search for me.  I now have most of the correct consist for my 252 loco.

Have a great weekend everyone



Images (2)
  • Lionel 529 Pullman (2)
  • Lionel 529 Pullman - single car

My contribution today are some photos of my cleaning efforts today.

I have had this Zephyr for about a year and I have had it set aside, waiting to be polished and cleaned.  A friend of mine told me how to clean the vestibules and other plated parts that have oxidized and turned green.  Here is the before picture

Both the vestibule and front window frame are showing this green tint.  I dipped a qtip into some rust and blue remover, rubbed the metal until the oxidation went away and then sprayed everything with WD-40.  Here is the end result.


My contribution today are some photos of my cleaning efforts today.

I have had this Zephyr for about a year and I have had it set aside, waiting to be polished and cleaned.  A friend of mine told me how to clean the vestibules and other plated parts that have oxidized and turned green.  Here is the before picture

Both the vestibule and front window frame are showing this green tint.  I dipped a qtip into some rust and blue remover, rubbed the metal until the oxidation went away and then sprayed everything with WD-40.  Here is the end result.


wow,i have one that someone sprayed with silver paint,,,,will keep this in mind,,,so you didnt have to use a buffing wheel???

@terry hudon posted:

wow,i have one that someone sprayed with silver paint,,,,will keep this in mind,,,so you didnt have to use a buffing wheel???

No buffing wheel used.  I only cleaned the cadmium plated parts (doors, trucks, vestibules, and front window frame) that were oxidized/green.  Simply used a q-tip to clean, WD-40 and a rag to clean the cleaned surface with. 

For the aluminum parts, the only thing I cleaned was the roofs and I used aluminum wheel cleaner.  The roofs were not that bad, just some light buffing. 

@pd As Arne said his King George is prewar ( 30's) , The Britannia and Royal Scot are early post war Brimtoy I believe

Ok today I have some real roughies !!!

First up was a set of Robilt tracks and tanker and open wagon that went for next to nothing praise be to the seller who didnt know what it was and listed it in just the normal toys section !

Not terrific to look at , but in any condition Robilt is pretty collectible here , but even better , as I already have a loco and tender ( in slightly better shape) that goes with all this to make a COMPLETE Robilt set ... Good things come to those who wait ( and stalk ! )

Next off the block is a deal struck with my Dutchy mate , who a couple of weeks ago sent me a photo of a spoorwegen/triebwagen ( or rail motor) he recently found with a very crude spring drive mechanism to see if I knew anything about it ... I didnt, and still dont ! ... but at the time he postulated it might be a well made, home built contraption with the crude spray paint livery obviously done with a template, masking sheet... But it really appealed to the "collector " in me , however I knew he probably wasnt going to part with it ( I wouldnt lol ) so I didnt really ask ... and then this week he emails me saying he's found another one listed on a local Dutch Buy/Sell page , along with some ADRIA carriages and tender ... Right says I .. this must become ours! so we made an offer and it came thru

I am keeping the railmotor, the Distler(?) ESSO wagon and the ADRIA tender ( its better than the one I have) , he will keep the tracks, mettoy bridge, and ADRIA carriages ( to restore) and we both got a good deal ! This second Railmotor is a bit rougher than his original example , but as the spray job is identical , its now obvious that some small Dutch Manufacturer must have made them ?

If any of our Europe Specialists can put a name to these I would be super grateful , otherwise they will be forever added to the Mystery Pile ( and I HATE the mystery pile! )


Dutchy's railmotor

And Mine ( which needs a connecting rivet )

Both reunited after who knows how many years ?

Dutchy assures me they appear to be styled after a form of railcar in the Netherlands in the 50's

Any ideas Brain Trust ?

Last edited by Fatman

@Carey TeaRose thank you for clarifying for me! Much appreciated! As is clear with your wonderful American Flyer Litho Land And other members’ layouts- when you collect & operatetoy trains you start collecting some other things too and/or incorporate things we’ve previously collected into our train layouts.

With die-cast, lead, hollowcast soldiers, thats something I’ve always collected, but now focus on .9” to 1.5” figures(25mm to about 40mm)-now I obviously collect a variety of such figures. Anyway, as it pertains to your Dinky die-cast figures, While researching die-cast vehicles, which I’ve always liked but started to collect b/c of trains, I came across the fact that Dinky made soldiers and then saw that they made o gauge figures! Even says so on the front of the box. I hope to get some myself one day.

@Fatman posted:

If any of our Europe Specialists can put a name to these I would be super grateful , otherwise they will be forever added to the Mystery Pile ( and I HATE the mystery pile! )

Any ideas Brain Trust ?


it´s a dutch model, so I had asked Fred. Was made by a small manufacturer called "Wester Metaalwarenfabriek" which existed from 1955 to 1959 and is practically unknown.

The train can be seen at the beginning of this video.


Little bit quiet in here again so here is this weeks finds from me

From Dutch buy and sell place it looks like this Ottmar Beckh OB700 loco and consist shall be headed my way

Ignore the tin "whatever " in the smokestack lol I think someone "value added " it

Also missing roof on one carriage , but elsewise pretty complete ...

And just because I liked it .. a little vintage Diecast 0-6-0 locomotive from Budgie/Morestone in the UK late 40's/50's

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