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Originally Posted by pennsyk4:

Thank you George for initiating this thread

The ED really deserves a pat on the back.


They sure do. My wife was a "Event Planner" for major corporations for many years, so I can appreciate all of the "behind the scenes" work. The smoother an event goes, the more it looks like everything is happening "by magic".

The TCA meet in York put on by the Eastern division is an amazing feat.  I am always impressed by how smoothly and seamlessly the three days seem to go by.  Having a little more time this October than in past meets, I had a chance to sit and watch things take place and noticed:


There are seven buildings full of TOY TRAINS!


The two buses that make the rounds to the different buildings require very little wait time.


The number of security people on hand is staggering.


The first aid hut is staffed until after everyone leaves.


There are lots of variety of foods offered.


The front desk is well staffed with pleasant folks.


I like the preregistration for the April meet being done at this meet (I am already registered for April) and they will mail you your badges.


There is a group of people from the coming years convention that are excited about their city.


The doors open on time.


Someone takes the time to put arrows on the floor (there is a lot of full poked about this but with the narrow isles, it really helps).


Complain as I may about tipping the workers in the rest rooms, the facilities are so much cleaner than in years before their presence.


There were three nice operating layouts to see.


The ice cream social is well run.


I have always found the badge checker at each entrance to be pleasant.


Did I mention the seven buildings full of trains.


I personally am thankful that I only live seven hours away so I have a chance to attend often.


Thank you to all the volunteers that make this incredible event happen like clockwork twice a year every year for more than 40 years.


Happy railroading,


Originally Posted by DGJONES:

The TCA meet in York put on by the Eastern division is an amazing feat.  I am always impressed by how smoothly and seamlessly the three days seem to go by.  Having a little more time this October than in past meets, I had a chance to sit and watch things take place and noticed....


Very well stated, Don!  And spot on!

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