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I would pick the place that has the lower humidity.  A second factor is the ease of getting supplies and the like into the space.


The extra width and length in the attic can mean larger diameter curves.  Because of the knee wall I would think that an around the wall layout would be best in the attic.

Either would work in the basement.



Last edited by Jan

In addition to what already has been shared, a few items to keep in mind:


• Which location will allow better access for building the layout?

• Electrical power availability?

• Lighting?

• Difficulty in carrying building materials up to the attic or down to the basement - stairs clearance?

• When done, which will provide easier access for your guests?


Good luck whichever way you decide to go!



Thanks. I was inspired for the attic idea from your layout forum in your attic. Around the wall sounds very doable. I am definitely sticking with gargraves and RCS. Going to use tmcc. I own mostly conventional engines, which can be upgraded to tmcc quite easily through err. As far as building materials,  I can bring them through the window. The slope in the attic is not sloped too tight. I live in NJ and my attic has air conditioning in it because it is finished already due to a new addition over my kitchen that includes two rooms. I want to put the whole layout on casters and be able to roll it out to work on it. I can't be on my knees due to a recent acl, MCL, meniscus repair.
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