Steve, maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see where changing the doors does Dave any good. He still can’t expand the bench work into the area or he covers the closet entry. Even if he could, he has to worry about being able to reach the upper left corner on the Office Room where the Wye comes through the wall. If he tries to move the turntable lower, the roundhouse will need to be rotated further into the upper aisleway and the bench work will cut off access to the upper left corner. Running track through the closet also doesn’t do any good because the turntable is there. That was an idea before the turntable came into the picture.
Where he needs space to be safe is on the right side where the O-72 loop is. Based on his dimensions that space is 79”. Centering the loop in the area gives him 3.36” from the center rail to both the top wall and the bottom desk. John says a “scale” Big Boy needs 3.25”, so while it looks good in SCARM, I’m not convinced.
Based on this photo he posted, the area where the desk will be is actually open space, there is no physical wall. I believe he intends to remove the expansion piece, but I don’t know if the desk is being rotated or how the bench work fits with this photo. If the desk stays the way it is and he removes the expansion piece, does he have room to get to the chair. Can the track be positioned closer to the edge there so it can a little further from the wall on the other side. I also see now that he has a piece of equipment mounted to the wall by the chair that needs to be considered when placing the loop. Right now the loop position is based on the wall, not that piece of equipment, unless his 339” dimension took it into consideration.
The other thing I don’t know is how high the current bench work is. I don’t have any problem with how the current bench work is built. I get that it’s away from the walls and he’s going to do something the keep trains from accidentally falling down the stairs, but I’m having a hard time figuring out this desk area and the green rectangles. In this photo, where does the 79” wide bench work fit in? Does it come to the edge of the current desk so when he removes the expansion piece he has access to the desk (2nd photo)?