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@Sam posted:

Can anyone comment on the York meet train displays that will be running?



Check out our website:

We are bringing our 12x15 layout with is done with Fastrack and features Menard's buildings and our 6x11 layout which is loosely modeled on a PostWar Lionel Display layout, albeit with wider radius tinplate curves (O54).......and, the 6x11 has been expanded to 6x15 with a new module that we are unveiling at York.


All of the modular layouts are worth seeing.  It's always fun to see the different interpretations of the hobby, and people get to run longer trains than typically possible on home layouts.

Be sure to express gratitude to the folks who bring them - it's a huge undertaking to transport each layout, set it up, take time away from visiting the halls in order to run it, and stay late on Saturday to take it down.  If you've never been in a modular club, it's difficult to imagine how much planning, grunt work, and troubleshooting is involved.  And it's all done for the love of the hobby - no compensation is provided.

Check out our website:

We are bringing our 12x15 layout with is done with Fastrack and features Menard's buildings and our 6x11 layout which is loosely modeled on a PostWar Lionel Display layout, albeit with wider radius tinplate curves (O54).......and, the 6x11 has been expanded to 6x15 with a new module that we are unveiling at York.


Be sure to get photos Peter. Also, encourage others to snap shots of other layouts there, we would all love to see them especially for those not attending. 👍

I’m looking forward to seeing the layouts at YORK.  It’s always a good source for ideas and inspiration for my own layout, and a great opportunity to meet other operators - no matter what gauge.  Peter, I’ve enjoyed your posts on this forum regarding your club’s layout. Looking forward to seeing it and hopefully meeting you and the club members in person.

Last edited by rjsmithindy
@Norton posted:

I think Eddie has it right, at least for the layout(s) in the Black Hall. Now that there are layouts in the white and purple halls I think think many more now are aware of them. This from displaying three times in the Black hall.



Black hall is primarily a case of poor marketing - minimal to no signage - people don't notice it.  Remember the crowds around the SGMA layout in Orange last April?

Hundreds of people participate in setting up and running the modular layouts, and this thread is indicative of the level of interest. 

And pretending to sound authoritative by making up a fake statistic is just plain wrong. 

One of my favorites from past Yorks was the Flower City(?) Hi-Railers.  I think they were in the back of the Red or White hall, so there won't be any photographs.  This is a shame, because unlike so many of the round-and-round modular displays, theirs was configured to offer a lot of interesting operational and switching possibilites.

They were absent from the last couple of Yorks that I attended.  I don't have much occasion to visit western NY, if that's where they are from, but I would love to see their layout set up and operating again sometime!

@Ted S posted:

One of my favorites from past Yorks was the Flower City(?) Hi-Railers.  I think they were in the back of the Red or White hall, so there won't be any photographs.  This is a shame, because unlike so many of the round-and-round modular displays, theirs was configured to offer a lot of interesting operational and switching possibilites.

They were absent from the last couple of Yorks that I attended.  I don't have much occasion to visit western NY, if that's where they are from, but I would love to see their layout set up and operating again sometime!

That last York we did was in the White hall. I believe that photos of the layout only are allowed even there now.


Set up went on today and will likely last till tomorrow. We're ( the River City 3 Railers) all set up and ready!

Have a great and safe day, folks!


Peter, how many of your club were setting it up?  How'd you transport it?

I ask because that's a significant commitment; but then I know you have committed members to staff and operate at the Garden Center.

@Pingman posted:

Peter, how many of your club were setting it up?  How'd you transport it?

I ask because that's a significant commitment; but then I know you have committed members to staff and operate at the Garden Center.

We took it with our 14’ trailer and the flatbed of Gilly’s truck.

We have twelve people here………nine were here Wednesday for set up.……and, ten will be here for take down.

I’m usually here from start to finish, anyway……..however, for some, it is a 1st time here, or a 1st time staying more than one or two nights…….a huge commitment, and much appreciated.


@rjsmithindy posted:

The Black Hall at York was a beehive of activity as SGMA had some really unique standard gauge running on their modular layout today. If you’re at York this week be sure to stop in as pictures don’t do it justice.


Great pics & videos.  SGMA is a hotbed of activity, innovation, and enthusiasm.  Over 120 people showed up for the Friday morning meeting.

Come on over and join the Dark Side. Resistance is futile.

I had a great day at York!  It was my honor to finally meet Peter of the River City Three Railers!  I certainly know him on the OGR Forum, however, it was a real treat to meet him in person over at the Purple Hall where he was running with the River City Three Railers.  The first photo is one of the two layouts they were running.  This one has a helix hidden inside the hillside.  The train enters the tunnel and you expect it to go straight thru and exit the other side almost immediately ... however the train loops around the hidden helix which gives the effect that the train has disappeared!  After the hillside has swallowed the entire train the locomotive finally leads the train thru the portal on the opposite side of which it entered.  Pretty cool!!   Peter explained to me that the layout is a takeoff of a 1950 Lionel dealer display.  

The other layout displayed by the River City Three Railers had a Menard's building theme.  Yet again another very nice looking layout.   For me it was nice to see the Menard's buildings within the context of a layout.  I've yet to purchase any buildings from Menard's, however viewing this layout has given me much incentive to do so!  

I deeply  appreciate all the efforts by all the clubs displaying at York.   These folks put a lot of effort into building modules, hauling them to York, setting them up, running the trains all day, tearing down, packing up and hauling the entire layout back home.   MUCH THANKS  to all those folks!! B7B21431-B867-4886-9CF4-8780923F519AHere's a video of another club's layout also in the Purple Hall.  The name of the club escapes me but they are based in the York PA area.  They also had a fine looking layout!  

A selfie of Peter and me!   283E32B8-1D1F-4389-B555-57C9BD42CCE9


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  • B7B21431-B867-4886-9CF4-8780923F519A
  • 283E32B8-1D1F-4389-B555-57C9BD42CCE9
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