I have my lovely 3rd Rail Train of Tomorrow on display in my study and love it. I have a lot of fun writing about it nd weaving the real trainToT into the plot of my book on Veranda Turbine.
My model came with no bellows or platforms or weather protection for passengers passing from one car to another. I'm fairly certain the ToT had something, but even after checking through Ric Morgan's wonderful book, The Train of Tomorrow, I am not sure what the train had.
Anyone have any details?
The next three slides show details shown on pages 40, 82, 98, and give hints about what it looked like between cars, but only hints.
I thought of cutting down the spacing between cars to prototypical but decided to leave the model as is. For now, I have fitted some standard between-cars accordion pieces . . . They have a lip on one side that has to be removed.
Then they slip in and look fiarly good, if not quite tall enough to fit perfectly.
It's not a big deal but if anyone has any info?