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Nov 2/3 - Tucson AZ - Train Show, Swap and Museum Visit
The Lionel Collectors Club of America (LCCA) invites you to attend a Train Show, Swap and Museum Visit on Friday & Saturday, November 2-3, 2012 in Tucson AZ.  Bring your friends and entire family. Come and experience the magic of Lionel Trains on the operating layouts!
The LCCA is proud to be going out west again and be part of this Tucson Train Meet & Show. Present your LCCA membership card and you will receive a $1 discount off of the price for admission into the Meet & Show. We will have a special open house at the museum, Saturday beginning 4:00pm. We have a full size caboose from the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad and a 7.5" gauge layout out-side of the museum.
TUCSON ARIZONA TOY TRAIN MEET & SHOW - Operated as a Benefit Fundraiser for Gadsden Pacific Division Toy Train Operating Museum
3975 N. Miller Ave. Tucson Arizona
3750 E. Irvington Rd (off I-10)
Buy & Sell - Trade
View Operating Layouts
November 2-3 2012
Friday 2pm - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm
$6.00 Admission covers both days - LCCA members $1.00 off with LCCA member card
Vendor Tables 8ft $35.00 (fourth table free with reservation of 3 tables).  Hotels are in walking distance of Tucson Expo Center
Open House at the Museum Saturday 4:00pm - for LCCA
Meet Chairman Dave Hoverstock
(520) 909-0722
Come and meet with fellow LCCA members and elected officers.  Let's meet and talk about some trains.    Spread the word and Let's have some fun!  I look forward to seeing you there.
Best regards,
Al Kolis
Immediate Past President & Special Events Manager
Lionel Collectors Club of America
Original Post

It starts tomorrow, and it will one of the best in Arizona. Over 150 tables, all train related. Mainly 0 gauge, but all gauges will be represented including Standard Gauge. The car collectors will be there too, with plenty of vehicles for the layout. We'll have some portable layouts set up as well. 


I'll be there selling, with 4 tables including lots of nice 0 gauge locomotives and rolling stock, plus some Standard Gauge. Drop by and say hi. We are looking for some more tinplate runners to enhance our tinplate operation at the museum, so if you like tinplate and aren't already a Gadsden Pacific member, talk to me or one of the other members. 


See you there.

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