'Twas the night before York
And all through the house
Train boxes were stacked
Right next to my spouse
Dining room, kitchen
Bedroom and bath
"Move them," she cried
Shaking with wrath
Orange ones here
Purple in the sink
She grabbed for my Hudson
My courage did shrink
"You buy them
Then sell them
You misguided man"
"Then buy them again
As fast as you can"
"They're coming
They're going
I never know which
"I'll call on Mike Reagan
Cause on you he'll snitch
"You ordered that Big Boy
So don't you deny
Lives there a train
You don't want to buy?"
Oh Mike Wolff
Oh Scott Mann
Oh diesels and steamers
You train nuts
With whistles
Are railroad dreamers
So drive off to York
To hustle your toys
I simply surrender
Cause boys will be boys
That last stanza needs some work. I needed something to rhyme with toys.
Sigh . . .