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You know I love the oval an figure 8 and outside loop around it as I picked these features for my layout.

You might want to consider adding two more switches that would link the figure 8 oval with the outside oval, at the top of the layout loops, to give a way to let trains traverse from inside oval to outside oval and vise versa.  This link would allow you to reverse a train on the outside loop also.

Keep posting on your progress to up grade your layout with a complete rebuild.


Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie

You might want to consider adding two more switches that would link the figure 8 oval with the outside oval, at the top of the layout loops, to give a way to let trains traverse from inside oval to outside oval and vise versa.  This link would allow you to reverse a train on the outside loop also.

I considered it, but rejected the idea.  You have to bear in mind that this is basically a glorified test track, so I want to keep all three tracks separate.  Imagine, for example, I'm testing an M-10000 or Zephyr or Electroliner, which require a minimum of O42 curves.  One mistake, and it gets thrown into the inner O27 oval and whoops!   


Slow progress being made...

Most of the Howard Roark Memorial Storage Facility is being repurposed, with the rolling stock being transferred into this cabinet... Each of the two-drawer modules are separate, so they can, if need be, be placed in different locations.


One unit of the Roark Memorial has been placed in the workshop to accommodate wider equipment which doesn't fit in the drawers.


The new workbench corner is cleared. 


The new workbench itself...well, that's another story. 


Since I don't have any help (but would cheerfully accept same), this is a very slow process, straining even my vast good humor. 

Ah, well...



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Mitch, the cabinet and shelves look great!!  I wish you well on clearing out the miscellaneous stuff to make the workbench available.  Our younger daughter could make quick work of it, but I'm not sure you would like to see what all she threw out.    Our older daughter, age 30, has accumulated as much stuff as we have knocking on the door of age 65. 

@CBS072 and I did a bit of workbench hunting on Wednesday, and found a rather bedraggled rolltop desk in the scrap heap at a local Goodwill.   $15.91 later, I was the new owner.  (The 91¢ is the part that worries me a little.)


(seen here sans drawers for to make handling easier)

With the rolltop removed, here's the desk in place:


I'm going to laminate these 2 x 6 sheets of Lowes soundboard together as a semi-expendable work surface:


This'll allow me to make some progress without having to excavate that black desk (triple digit temps and high hum-a-ditties just ain't the kind of weather suitable for such)...



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Last edited by M. Mitchell Marmel

Mitch:  I love your solution to the problem of "Too much stuff on the table"...Buy another table!  Now that's the kind of reasoning I like!!

Heh.  Well, this whole business is like one of those sliding tile games.  I have to move my old work desk in order to have room in the consolidated train room for the 4 x 8 layout.  So, while I'm moving it, I want to upgrade to more drawers so that the bench top isn't as cluttered.  The old desk will be going in the library/guest room next door.   To complicate matters, I'm having a house guest arrive next Tuesday, so there's a certain time pressure as well...


I GET IT!  My "work bench" is a 24" X 6 ft" folding table up against a cabinet in my train room.  I keep moving stuff to make room to work but there is no additional space.  Many years ago, my Dad (an accountant by trade) made a tool for his workbench.  It was a 6 ft 2x4 with handles on one side.  He could grip the handles and push the 2x4 over the top of his work bench thus shoving everything to the rear and clearing space in the front !!  I always admired his solution as well.

Keep posting Mitch, I always enjoy what you post.



Slow progress being made...

Most of the Howard Roark Memorial Storage Facility is being repurposed, with the rolling stock being transferred into this cabinet... Each of the two-drawer modules are separate, so they can, if need be, be placed in different locations.


Mitch - always love your updates .  This drawer set up I really like.  Hmmm, might need to keep an eye out for something like that myself.

@Mark Boyce posted:

Yes indeed, Mitch!  It is ready for junque!!  Looks great!

The first junque to be moved was my Goodwill stereo: GEDC2269

Dunno whether it's "D**n, I'm good," "D**n, I'm lucky" or a combination of the two, but the components fit the Roark Memorial shelves perfectly, and the old Heathkit speakers boom out fine to either side of the bench...



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Last edited by M. Mitchell Marmel
@coach joe posted:

D**n you're good!  Heathkit!  S0mething I haven't heard in, I don't know, seems like forever.

Alas, turns out one of the speakers has a bum woofer.  Fortunately, I never DID put up the outdoor Dual pool speakers I got from a friend a decade or so ago...


Also opens up storage space on each side of the bench.   



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Isn't this a lovely, tidy, welcoming work environment? GEDC2272GEDC2273

We shall speak no more of this.


Back in my working days, I had a sign on the front of my desk (one of the few spots you could actually see anything) that read “A Clean Desk Is The First Sign of a Misguided Career”… In fact, most of my office resembled your second shot. I knew where everything was, other people just never appreciated my filing “system” When I retired, it took the better part of a week to clear out the clutter - I couldn’t leave it for someone else to deal with!!!

The workshop area is about as done as I'm about to get it at this point.


The extra drawers have done a wonderful job of absorbing extra tools, parts et cetera. 


The corner where the 4x8 is going to go has been cleared.  (Norma Bates Kitteh presented for scale.)


Next up will be clearing non-train materials from the closet in order to store train things...




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