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has anybody used a drone to film their layout while the trains are moving ? If so, which drone did you use and how difficult was it to control indoors?

Well, my few experiments with drones or other self-powered flying objects have all ended badly. The combination of high-velocity air and limited space is a predicate to disaster! As has been suggested, a selfie stick (ideally one with mechanical or electronic image stabilization) is the more conventional solution.

I've also been intrigued with the possibility of creating a home-brew version of the "eye in the sky" wire-controlled cameras used in football games and other sporting events. Four computer-controlled motors, one on each wire, could position the camera anywhere in the 3D space over the layout, and motorized gimbals might be directed to point the camera in any direction. ISTM four stepper motors could be controlled by a joystick and an arduino or other small computer to move a gimbaled camera anywhere desired over the layout, potentially following the rolling stock around the layout as you suggested. Oh, well, some day . . .

Last edited by Steve Tyler

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