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Skip, even though we have never met, I have always enjoyed your train pics and sense of family.

I send me sincere condolences and prayers for the loss of your father. I am sure you shared some special times together,including the love of trains.

He will always be in your heart, and always watching over you with a proud smile.


Joe Gozzo

Thank you so much Professor Scrappy and all of my friends here on the OGR forum. The funeral was today. Dad joined Mom in heaven and left us with wonderful memories of both of them. We are thankful for having had both of them in our lives. And, thanks to my Dad for introducing me to our wonderful hobby.

You guys are great! Thanks again.


Scrapiron Scher posted:

Our great friend Skip Natoli lost his dad Saturday.  Skip and his dad were very close.  Skip Natoli (NYCFAN) is one of the nicest and most respected individuals I have met.  Our prayers are with Skip and his family. Eliot Scher and Ginny Munoz

Eliot.... please mention Skip & his dad in your headline.  It would be a big help to others.

Dads are yardsticks by which we measure our own lives. 

Losing them is never easy no matter what your relationship and the closer the relationship the harder it is. 

Our lives are formed either in our living by their example or attempting to be different then the way they were. 

I am glad that you had the type that gave you examples to follow.

Please know that you can still talk and learn from him. 

You can still find him listening. 

Especially,  in the quiet times when you have a concern.

His memory may help you find the path that you thought was lost.  

My deepest condolences. 







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