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John Pignatelli JR. posted:

Some real PRR Madison cars and a restored PRR cabin car in excursion service this weekend with the Bellefonte (PA) Historic Railroad. I believe they are owned by the North Shore Railroad.

Can you tell me please where I can find this railroad?

Thank you


The North Shore Railroad is based in Northumberland, PA. The photos were taken in Bellefonte, PA.

F30MSport posted:
Christopher2035 posted:
Todd Knoll posted:


Very sorry for your loss!  The relationship that we have with our animal companions is very special but that makes it really hard when they are gone.  Hang in there!  

Thanks Todd. We are all taking it very hard.  He was such a good kitty. He loved to sleep in the tunnels on the layout or just hang out on the control panel

Christopher - was perusing through this thread - 

Very sorry for your loss - losing a pet is brutal.  My wife and I adopted two little kittens recently and they are the world to us.  You develop an unbreakable bond with a pet - and even after they are gone, the memories/bond will always remain.  I wish you the best as you work through this difficult time, I am sure Quimby is in a much better place, and perhaps waiting for you someday - on the other side of the rainbow bridge....

Hang in there from a fellow cat lover..



Thank you Michael. Appreciate it. We have 4 other kitties & a pug & they do miss him as well.  Pets are like family  

scott.smith posted:

It's Weekend Photo Fun time!!!

After going to York last week as was able to find a Chevron fuel truck to help complete my Internal Revenue Service on fire scene. As you may notice a good citizen is helping out by hooking up the fireman's hose for him.


Here are pictures from the layout in Purple Hall.






Let's see your pictures.

Scott Smith



A prison?  

You built a prison!!!

How cool is that?!

On Friday I posted this photo of a directional sign and route markers that I installed on my layout with an explanation of why I like to use these since they are so common (yet infrequently modeled) and help to identify the location being modeled. So what should show up later in the thread but this photo of the D&H posted by BRIANSILVERMUSTANG showing such signs just to the left of center. See what I mean...often seen, seldom modeled!

BTW, there were a few nice comments posted about this photo, and I appreciate it!


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