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Another week has gone by and we have made it to the weekend. It's time for Weekend Photo Fun.

Here's what happens when you install Gargraves Track and you leave the track pin on top of the track rather than connecting the track together.






Still working on the kids window layout at the VMT.




Let's see your pictures.

Scott Smith


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Been a busy week setting up the Christmas model train display for the Polar Express at our our railway museum.


 They cleared out all the other exhibits from the room I am in this year, so lots more room to work and set up much easier. 32x16 feet here is some of the set up.


First step was to build a long fence 2 foot high for the kids to lean over. Bracing it to walls and post so it is sturdy and hanging some spot lights.


The biggest effort so far has been 2 days figuring out how to fly Santa and some of the stars from the Disney Planes movie just released on DVD. Kids love that. I used an old rotary motor from a barbeque and a large long bolt with an adapter to fit the motor hanging above. The bolt runs down through a lawn mower wheel,  which was mounted on L brackets. The center of the wheel has a bearing so the bolt can hang off it and turn, below a few strips of wood mounted to the bolt and plastic rods radiating out with thread hanging down about 4 feet to the figures. It took a lot to design work to build and figure out how to hang from the roof but it works great. Planes and Santa very slowly rotate just over the layout.


We spent a lot of extra time building the base for the upper level and ensuring that the bridges are stable and level. Used some carpet underlay and sound board under the upper level track to keep the track noise down.


Used the K-line Super snap track large radius loops for the most part for long runs around the layout. Trains to come next week. And a lot more figures and buildings and trees etc. snow fill etc. over the coming week.


The Polar Express train ride has huge #'s of people coming to ride over the 3 weekends.


The buildings tend to be in clumps as the light strings for the buildings come in sets of 5 bulbs and easier to run the wiring to the power bars in sets.












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Last edited by kj356
Originally Posted by c.sam:

Southern No 1395 heads out on a run with her consist in tow...


These shots help to illustrate the appeal ScaleTrax has for many of us. As you can see the size of the rails doesn't overpower the locomotive!



Sam, these are excellent photos!  I was glad to see some photos of the Southern Crescent in this thread this morning because the Southern Crescent is my favorite passenger train.  I have this engine in my collection too.  Thanks for sharing.  Ken    

OH, and LUCKY ME!  (yes Ken the black cloud found me for a 3rd time this train season )


As shown above, I had the entire back 4'x10' plateau finished and track-tested.  I was making great progress until I had to waste 5 hours debugging why ALL OF A SUDDEN, after successfully running my trains on the lower level, one engine started hitting something under the plateau.


And as black-cloud luck would have it, it wasn't hitting up front where I could easily debug it and fix it.  Oh No, that would be too easy!  It was hitting something DEAD CENTER in the VERY BACK of the plateau.  I tried using a flash light to see what was being hit but couldn't see it. 


So this is how I spent 5 hours as my last task in week 5 - removing a section of the plateau.  Track, scenery, everything.  But I guess I got lucky in a way.  After I was able to step in there I saw what was being hit and was able to reach it without further damage.


- walt


Lucky me_1


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Originally Posted by walt rapp:

OH, and LUCKY ME!  (yes Ken the black cloud found me for a 3rd time this train season )


As shown above, I had the entire back 4'x10' plateau finished and track-tested.  I was making great progress until I had to waste 5 hours debugging why ALL OF A SUDDEN, after successfully running my trains on the lower level, one engine started hitting something under the plateau.


And as black-cloud luck would have it, it wasn't hitting up front where I could easily debug it and fix it.  Oh No, that would be too easy!  It was hitting something DEAD CENTER in the VERY BACK of the plateau.  I tried using a flash light to see what was being hit but couldn't see it. 


- walt


Hopefully it's all sunshine for you now Walt!!

Last edited by Lima
Originally Posted by Chugman:

Winter is coming soon in the Midwest as John "Leak" Johnson is collecting some black iron pipe at the Menard's Plumbing Supply before loading his truck to head out to repair widow Jones furnace.






Speaking of leaks, makes one wonder what Menard's Plumbing Supply is using for fertilizer to get turf that color.

Some of the photos on this threat this week are truly an inspiration.  Recently, there was a thread about OGR Magazine and what was liked and disliked.  For me, I like seeing photos published just like the ones on this weekly thread.  I don’t care a hoot about how a modeler made his bolts look rusty, but do care that he went to the trouble to do so.



sweetwater springs tank nov 2014


Images (1)
  • sweetwater springs tank nov 2014

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