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Having fun running an all Great Northern Train nose to tail around the garden railway. 4 powered MTH engines, 3 dummy engines, and 80 cars. The VO1000 engine and several of the freight cars I custom painted to GN.  I really like the wide variety of color of GN equipment; is there another railway that has such a variety of color of engines and rolling stock? And note the GN Mini rail train running past the layout. We are getting around 2000 people a day come to ride the mini rail trains and visit the garden railway.



Images (7)
  • GN1
  • GN2
  • GN3
  • GN4
  • GN5
  • GN6
  • GN7
Last edited by kj356

Yankees got slaughtered by the Redsox last night so they are hightailing out of Boston on the New Haven:

LOL, Arnold


Yes, the Red Sox had a big win last night. The EP-5s only run in the electrified zone between New Haven and New York City, so the Yanks must be going all the way back to the Bronx. I wonder who will be left in Boston to play today's game at Fenway? Actually, I managed to get a video of the train on which the Bombers hightailed it out of Boston after losing to the Sox - "The Yankee Clipper" - powered by Alco PA #0771. That diesel locomotive took the train as far as New Haven, at which point it was exchanged for EP-5 #372. The New Haven Railroad just doesn't have the money to complete its electrification all the way to Boston, hence the locomotive change at New Haven...



Videos (1)
Last edited by MELGAR

Outstanding pictures, videos and descriptions this weekend, I love em!   I'm currently working on adding some new drops to my layout in the sky, next will be some clouds and an attempt at a thunder storm with some lightning.   I've got the stencils to airbrush in the clouds and I'm planning on making my thunderstorm 3 dimensional, big ambitions, hope it turns out well.

Happy Farther's day to all of you dads, my kids are coming over tomorrow, so it will be really nice to see them and my oldest son will be bringing our grand-dog so he can initiate our new backyard.  We got rid of the pool and put in grass so he will be the first to go out and run around on the grass.

Have a safe, relaxing and fun weekend.

(Note: HO scale)

Finished up this engine a couple weeks ago. It has been lightly modified, painted, then I applied decals (pinstripes and lettering/numbers), then weathered it. I've been enjoying it ever since! This is the first engine I've painted in over 15 years!



Got a BUNCH more KC&G engines to paint, all the rest will be in one of the Gulf Coast Blue and Mountain Mist Gray schemes.



Images (2)
  • 061023_2
  • 060923_3

A few short videos......the Alcos are very sharp looking and smooth runners!

On the home layout (the 1st video), I'm running my homemade "kidney transplant awareness" car.


Peter, Great Fathers Day gift and they run great.  I guess once a nephrologist, always a nephrologist.  I especially like the kidney awareness car as I’ve always been aware since I only have one of them.


Peter, Great Fathers Day gift and they run great.  I guess once a nephrologist, always a nephrologist.  I especially like the kidney awareness car as I’ve always been aware since I only have one of them.


Thank you for your kind words. I have actually returned to “work”. One morning a week, I precept 3rd year Internal Medicine residents and Nephrology Fellows (internists who are nephrologists in training) at the VA in Richmond.


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