These were in a collection I picked up. I think the red ones are Lionel Jr. What are the other ones .... Would anyone be interested in them?
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Yes, the red ones are Lionel Junior, 167X series I think. The 999 and the OD cars are Marx.
I think those are 1700 series cars, as the 1670 series were not "articulated", whereas the series that was headed primarily with the 1700E was. Most people like the Marx 999, but it's pretty common. The Lionel cars look like decent projects, and I don't know enough to say anything about the Army Train cars.
I'm not thinking of making any money just thought someone would like to work on them
Marx army trains are pretty popular, just a collection of cars but somebody will want them on ebay. Lionel cars look like someone will want them for restoration. Marx 999 needs a front picture since an open pilot as hard to fine
Thanks for all the help
I would be interested in the Lionel Jr. cars, I have a 1688 that needs some cars behind it.
I'm going to speak up for my friend Putnam Division. He enjoys both army trains, and Marx tinplate. I am confident he will ensure these are cared for, repaired as necessary, and displayed for a large public audience on our club's modular layout. This is his email address from his profile.
Drop him a note. I'm sure he will be delighted.
re Marx... the middle flat car in the stack looks like it is probably an 8wh tank flat which is a not very common, though having the tank would certainly help. the radio car is missing the roof antenna. the searchlight car looks as though it's missing the rather thick glass lens.
the good part about mil cars is that they have every right to look as though they've been through a war.