What do yo miss most not being able to actually go to York?
York prices?
Actually seeing, putting you hands on trains before buying them?
The sounds, smells?
The people?
For me it's all the above, especially the people. We have a small group that still stays in contact here in Baltimore, but I miss seeing everyone I got to see and talk to at York. Some have passed, and we'll never see again. Unfortunately, that's natural, but now with the last meet a year ago, and next meet not until at least April there will be a lot more. I used to go for the deals. Fortunately met a lot of great people. They all had their established group, but freely welcomed newbees. The void since the last York has been too long. Hope to see your smiling, even some of your grumpy faces soon!
I, for one, will make an extra effort to make the trip!