With a number of incomplete projects on the "workbench" why would I start another one? I wish I could answer that question but I just couldn't help myself. A while back I picked up this Lionel Alaska bunk car to add to my Alaska work train. Thinking of a work camp out in the bush I added another bunk car and started thinking of making one a mess hall/canteen/ chuck wagon, whatever you'd like to call the kitchen and dining facilities for the camp. I wanted to add a Lionel tool car to vary the look of the cars.

I came across this 1989 LRRC Tool Car and figured I could lose the LRRC graphics and re-letter for the ARR.

To make getting rid of the LIONEL easier I removed the roof. I expected the "windows to be part of the roof like the "Madison" passenger cars. Once I saw that the windows were I separate piece I started thinking of replacing the opaque plastic insert with individual clear windows and detailing the interior.

Here's the clean canvas waiting for Alaska Railroad decals. I have a set of Walthers HO Alaska boxcar decals that will provide the lettering and even have a set of repro 614 "decals" with the Eskimo that I bought a long time ago so I thought I was set. The quotation marks are because that set of decals is actually clear stickers, which would work fine on the flat surface of a diesel switcher but wouldn't really work so good on the wood sides of a tool car. I've got enough Alaska RR decals that while I don't have any other Eskimos I'll be able to find an appropriate logo to take the Eskimo's place.

My conundrum is now the rabbit hole that detailing the interior has become. I have the window material and some 3D benches and tables and even some kitchen appliances but it doesn't end there. It needs a floor, foam core is too thick, I've already tried it so now to find the right material to fit around that knob in the middle of the car to level the floor and add floor boards. Oh, did I mention the car is not lighted so all the wonderful detailing would go unseen. Okay lets add lights, buy some pick-ups, wire them up, my soldering skills aren't the best and I've botched replacing a caboose light socket in the past because of them but what the hey maybe I can get past that. I have a roll of LEDs that I could use for lights, but I'm not sure what I need to run them off of track power. I could always ask over on the electrical forum and I'm sure I'll get that answer but then I need to get those components and add them. Then there's the access hole to bring the wire from the pick-up into the car. Notice I said hole not holes so if I use double pick-ups for better connectivity and les flickering I'm running wires under the car and that hole is located very near one of the windows so now hiding the wires and not disrupting the interior details is another issue. Then there's always the battery operated option for the LEDs, a 9 volt, a bracket and a micro switch. I believe I've both a bracket and a switch around here somewhere.
None of this is truly that difficult and with patience and assistance from the wonderful people here on the forum I'm sure I can get the answers I need and probably even suggestions on how to do it better and where to get the parts and supplies I need to get this done. I'm just not sure if I want to go through all that right now. Then what about the two bunk cars?