The answer, in the simplest terms, is that the electrons seek the easiest route back to "home" (ground) and ignore any other more difficult path.
Here are a few things to reflect upon. When you put them together, your brain MAY suddenly understand. I will use non-electrical terms, along with official terms, to try to display what happens.
When a device is powered by any type of electricity, the power in the circuit is dissipated at the device. There is a voltage drop across the device, so, in a sense, all the oomph of the feed electricity is "used up" at the device.
Electricity will always try to get back to its source, rather than try to go "upstream" or "across the street" to some other destination. If a supply has a ground reference, the return flow of electrons will seek the lowest impedance path. That would be the ground reference.
Since an 18-volt circuit is looking for its ground reference, it will "ignore" a different path that presents itself, if that path has a higher impedance to ground. Similarly, any other circuit with a common ground will also seek the easiest route back to ground.
Multiple circuits with common grounds are present right in your home. You have a 240-volt circuit breaker panel, and along each of the two 120-volt supply rails, you have circuit breakers that feed 120-volt devices in your home. When you turn on a lamp in your living room, fed by the left side of your panel, and a lamp in your bedroom, fed by the right side, they do not interact. They each seek the low impedance of the neutral buss bar. Electrons do not "go rogue" and try to buck the system. They just do what physics says they will do, which is get back to the neutral bar and ignore any other route.
This theory works for AC and for DC, or any combination of the two.
An example is a telephone company power supply (with which I am intimately familiar, having worked with them for 50 years). Older telephone systems used the following flavors of electricity to make them work:
10 Volts AC for line lamps
18 Volts AC for intercom buzzers
24 Volts DC (unfiltered) for relay operations
24 Volts DC (filtered) for intercom voice connections
90 Volts AC @ 30 Hz for ringing the bells in the phones
All of these various supplies used the same ground reference. They did not interfere with each other, as long as their respective ground connections were intact.
NOW...let's use the "what if" method of trying to grasp this.
WHAT IF a common ground connection DOES NOT present a very low impedance? Here's an example that any guy over the age of 25 will understand. Have you ever seen a car with its tail lights OFF, (day time operation) and the driver puts on the left turn signal, and instead of the turn signal lamp getting bright, both the tail lamp and the turn lamp come on dimly? THAT is an example of a bad ground, resulting in the electrons that fed the turn signal filament trying to get back to ground, but failing to do so, and sneaking back through the tail light filament. The bad ground symptom was because some older cars were susceptible to getting water and crud in the tail light assemblies, causing rust and corrosion, resulting in a bad ground connection for the lamps inside the fixture. Instead of a very low impedance ground, the socket became a big resistor, and the returning electrons had a choice of tow paths, taking both, in fact, which caused the weird symptom.
I hope that you will think about these things, and maybe get a better grip on how it works. I sympathize with people who understand some electrical theory, but hit a mental wall at a threshold. I have had the same thing happen to me in my career. There are some electronic theories that I simply cannot get my mind around, no matter how many experts try to explain them. I just take them as gospel, and keep going.