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Roving Sign posted:

Joe might be thinking of something else - and I recall something similar that mentioned MTH saying "stop that"

I'd be curious to know what that project was.

I have done considerable monitoring (and some reverse engineering) of the DCS app communications to and from the WIU. Nothing I want to publish nor really discuss openly without permission, but more for my own curiosity.

H1000 posted:
Engineer-Joe posted:

There is a program right here on the forum that will run trains under DCS using your computer. To my knowledge, the app won't.

I have it loaded on an older spare computer in the train room. You don't need the wifi to use it. It talks directly to the TIU thru a special adapter. Mark S has posted his software and his add-ons.

 It brings up control screens and you use the mouse to control that. It worked really well for me. The phone app seemed like the next step.

I believe this is the site you are referencing:

And no, MTH has not threatened legal action against Mark for his efforts in developing a different remote software app that runs on a PC.

this is what I was talking about. Sorry for any mix-up.

bigdodgetrain posted:

"The encrypted WPA2 protocol was just breached, putting at risk everyone who uses wireless internet at home or abroad..."

This is a bit of old news but still relevant to the discussion.

However, when WPA2 is used on a properly Patched wireless device, it is still secure the safest thing out there. WPA2 hasn't been superseded by some other newer and better wireless protocol. A simple software patches makes it secure again and fixes the above mentioned problem.

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