I recently acquired a non-powered moped unit to Go with my moped powered unit. The paint on the dummy unit is markedly darker and has the same road number as the powered unit. Does anyone know if Williams by Bachmann has number boards?
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If I understand your inquiry correctly, you want to replace the number boards on one of your BL2's, so they don't display the same road number on both units?
The Williams by Bachmann website does not show the number board part as being available, and the parts drawing does not even show the number boards (although the photos all show front and rear number boards on each side.
You never know, it might be fruitful to contact Bachmann about this. If they can't help you, then the probable solution is to remove the number boards from one BL2, cut replacements and use decals to renumber that unit.
I think the probable solution will be the way to go. I'm still puzzled by the difference in colors.....i'll post a pic later tonite.
I have a set of Southern E7s which are Green and Gray, apparently Williams corrected these in later runs with the correct Green and White.
Ahitpy posted:I recently acquired a non-powered moped unit to Go with my moped powered unit. The paint on the dummy unit is markedly darker and has the same road number as the powered unit. Does anyone know if Williams by Bachmann has number boards?
Just curious, but did Williams (pre-Bachmann and/or post Bachmann?) ever produce the BL-2's in non-powered units? Although I haven't been into O-gauge all that long, it seems odd to me that they would have. I would be more apt to think that someone else may have done a conversion at some point in time. Maybe swapped guts to power a dummy GP-9, F-unit, B-unit, etc?
Also, if the Mopac BL-2's were produced during more than one production run, I could easily see the colors being slightly different from one run to the next.