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I just finished wiring my third block, I have a TIU running each block.  My MTH engine traverses blk 1 and blk 2 ok, but when the engine goes to block three, it shorts out,  If I start the engine in blk 3, it runs fine till it hits blk two. what would cause a dead short crossing into a block.

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Are you using one TIU and powering three blocks or each block has its own TIU? I use a TIU that goes to 4 different Terminal blocks that then feed the track every 12 sections regardless of length of track sections. Then I have the CENTER rail isolated but the outside rails continue to be connected. Each Loop is isolated from the other loops the same way. Middle Rail isolated. You must have all grounds connected to common ground so if using more than one transformer (all must be phased) ground id till common and not voltage is increased. I would meter between outside rail in block two and inside rail on block three. Should be 18 volts. If not Wiring is wrong. This is a start. I don't want to overload you till I have more information.


Not sure why you have the Phase Adaptor on every brick. You need it to only correct the one or two that are  out of phase. If you have an 18volt light with some wire leads attached. Hook one lead to the center rail and one to the outside rail of block 2. The light should be nice and bright. Now remove the wire lead from the outside rail and attach it to the center rail of the troubled block 3. It will light. But it should be very dim. If it’s bright. you are not in phase. You can remove the Phase Adaptor on the 180 brick to Block 3 and it should fix your problem. If it lights dim you have other issues. The fact that your engine operates fine as long as it stays in that block until it travels to another block with a different power supply kind of points to a phasing problem.

The fact that you have multiples as far as bricks and TIU’’s comes in handy in this hobby. The ability to swap things out can really aid in trouble shooting problems.

Well, when it rains it pours.  I now cannot get the track to read an engine.  I am on TIU 1, all the rest are cut off to include track.  TIU 1 is in my 1st block. I have the engine sitting on the track not more than 3 feet.  All I get is NO engine found.  I have reset TIU, Remote, all I can think of. I shut TIU 1 down, went to TIU 2, deleted TIU 1 from both, added TIU 2, moved engine to that block, same result.  Good thing I don't own dynamite.  Stumped again.

I am experiencing a similar issue. I have written here before and still experiencing issues.  I have a three loop fasttrack layout 8 X 12, four 036 manual switches, on 060 remote (on loop1) and using DCS. Power is from three Lionel 180 powerbricks. I did create three blocks, isolated the track (I hope correctly by cutting the center rail).  Loop 1 works, power brick 1 connected to TIU fix in and out #1 , then to MTH terminal. Blocks dropped to a Radio shack terminal from the track and fed back to the MTH block.  I did the same for loop two, powerbrick 2 to TIU fix in and out #2 then the MTH terminal. Connected the block , wire drops from track to Radio shack terminal and then feed back to MTH terminal. When I power up the bricks, power to the TIU cuts out.

Is there some one who , has patience, be willing to review how I wired this up and maybe see what I did wrong or missing? I can email you with a write up I have, with pictures attached.

I now some of you have seen my posts before and may be shaking your head, here he is again. But I am very frustrated as I believe I have followed the advise I have received on the O Gauge Forum and Barry's book. I am not as electronically experienced as many of you.

Thank you in advance !!

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