Today is Dotty Perry's birthday, her first since Marty Fitzhenry died on January 2, 2020.. Please wish her a Happy Birthday. I'm sure it will bring a simile to her face.
Those of us who were friends with Marty for many years certainly knew his long time girlfriend, Dotty Perry. My two good friends were together pretty much every day for 14 years. It was also Dotty that took great care of Marty in the years before his death. Some you may also not know that Dotty has a lot knowledge when it comes to trains. That's one of the many reasons that she and Marty were great friends. Dotty is also a genuinely nice person.
So please wish Dotty a Happy Birthday. Let me be the first do so. A BIG Happy Birthday Dotty. I hope you have many more.
Erol Gurcan