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Observations from a senior “newbe”
Am recently retired and have a 5 year old (&11 year old) grandson living in York, PA who is wild about trains.
After at least 30 years+ of Lionel trains in attic, decided to take down & set-up display (bedroom 4x8 stand) and make a table stand-still in progress.
Found out on this web site regarding York Oct TCA show.
Through the kindness of a TCA member, I was able to attend this show, 1st time in my life, as a member’s guest
Show observations
A lady at registration told me I would be astounded what was here and she was right.
Couldn’t understand logic for not allowing pictures with my grandson at inside display-just for posterity
I went to all the buildings Fri & Sat.-not enough time for me to see/ peruse
Found it difficult to find specific information such as location for Bachman without walking into each building and asking at entrance. On site or internet access for vendor/suppler/collector location would be nice.
Average age at show about 60
I don’t understand all the “new” type train tracks and the digital/microprocessor control systems but I know it’s the way to go.
Prices for these new type tracks seem ridiculous; guess made in low wage country and costs roughly $.10 to $.20 (US) for straight or curved track
Need to educate myself-say why one specific type diesel or steam engine from different suppliers has a wide variation in selling price. Specs may not tell; probably will have to touch and feel
Will join TCA to go to future shows.

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Originally Posted by Redonionite:

Found it difficult to find specific information such as location for Bachman without walking into each building and asking at entrance. On site or internet access for vendor/suppler/collector location would be nice.


The Eastern Division posts hall charts for the dealer halls on their web site about a week before each meet (and keeps the old ones there until replaced).  The charts do not change very much from meet to meet, so you will be able to study a little more before the next meet.



Originally Posted by Andy Hummell:
Originally Posted by Redonionite:

Found it difficult to find specific information such as location for Bachman without walking into each building and asking at entrance. On site or internet access for vendor/suppler/collector location would be nice.


The Eastern Division posts hall charts for the dealer halls on their web site about a week before each meet (and keeps the old ones there until replaced).  The charts do not change very much from meet to meet, so you will be able to study a little more before the next meet.


Thank you Andy for this input. Finally found the hall charts

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