Here is my list of the highs and lows of York...
Meeting EddieG's new pup and getting some kisses from her.
OGR at Tuesdays. Always a Highlight!
The MTH App. I couldn't stay for the entire demo but I like the interface! Very well done. The new catalog and samples.
The LUG meeting. Went well with lots to show!
The VL Big Boy and the new previously unannounced features. I am so glad I bought this! The Christmas Lionel stuff!
Fridays weather was beautiful.
Lots of good deals and lots of good friends.
Thursdays weather
The lack of LCS and iPad App at the Lionel booth.
The lack of a tinplate caboose for my Lionel Corp Steamer from MTH...again.
Low attendance on Thursday. The purple hall was painful to be in.
Missing the DCS dinner again.
Some friends were missing.