It is now officially 3 weeks away...........I am always very excited to post this thread!
The biannual York breakfast has now been scheduled!!!!! Thursday, April 20th.......
I figure an arrival time of 0715-0745.....with departures around 0915-0945.
The place: the same.....the Round the Clock Diner, 222 Arsenal Rd (Route 30 just east of the I-83 interchange).
All are welcome.....traveling alone? Small or large group? New to TCA? First York? With your spouse? All are welcome!
Come join your fellow York attendees as we catch up on the news over the last 6 months, meet new people, put a face with the name you've been talking to online, and discuss what you're hoping to find as you walk the halls. For York 1st timers, it’s a good place to get ideas from York veterans on how to approach your day.....
It is always a fun time!
As always, just leave a your name and approximate number of attendees.....I have told them 25-30, but that can easily be expanded......
I can taste those Round-the-Clock pancakes already........