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Thanks for the reply.  That's what I'll do.  It's been 40 years since I packed up these trains, so I have no recollection of how I did it before - probably this way.  I was hoping to use a fixed voltage output from one of my RW transformers, but I can't see how that could possibly work, with the tracks attached to the ZW.  My concern is that I might accidentally raise the power too high on the "B" or "C" terminals.

Use a voltmeter as you set the B or C outputs, to get the optimum setting.

Or phase the ZW and the RW and use one of the fixed voltage outputs on the RW.  The RW gets you various outputs -- 9, 10, 15 and 19 volts, plus the variable output, from memory.  The RW has a data plate where the binding posts are located that illustrates the various combinations of posts to get the different voltages.

Last edited by Arthur P. Bloom

Raising the power too high on postwar 022 switch is not usually a problem.  They were designed to run up to 19v ac.  They can run lower with track voltage, but are often anemic in action with lower track voltage.    Many PW instructions show the fixed voltage plug connected to a 19V output on the transformer.

Some run O22 switches at 14v with other accessories.   I like the 19v from the transformer for mine, snappy.   With My ZW I had the switches on of the B/C connections and accessories on the other,  Set the voltages on B,C handles accordingly.   You can adjust the voltage with a ZW and test between 14 and 19v to see how well they work.

Accessories you want to keep at 14v, that is what they were designed for.   Higher voltage shortens bulb life.

It will come back to you quickly.

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