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Very nice, Chris!  You sure did take full advantage of the changed photography rule, and your shots provide an excellent example of what the meet is all about.  Of course, there is far more to see than Chris was able to present in 110 images, so those of you out there who have never attended should really make plans to do so in the near future--October, for example.


My thanks to the Eastern Division folks for permitting photos at the event.  I have no doubt that this type of exposure, on forums and elsewhere, will have a positive impact on attendance in the future.


I just returned from the York area an hour or so ago, so have a whole lot of catching-up to do, both on the forum and at the office.  I had the good fortune of being invited to the home of Pat and Jean Marinari after the meet, so just got back home today (Sunday).  I will write more about the meet and the operating session we enjoyed on Pat and Jean's fabulous layout.  Pat, Dave Hikel, Lynn Gaines, and your's truly were the operating crews, and I can assure you the first three know a whole lot more about conducting operations on a layout then I do.  Sure hope I'm invited back in the future so I can learn a whole lot more!

Last edited by Allan Miller
Originally Posted by Dennis LaGrua:

Nice set of photos. When people take pictures of events, they end up being posted online like yours were. That's free promotion for the Eastern Division. Judging by the appearance of attendance  there, they could use some help propping up the gate.

Most were taken later Friday after the crowds started thinning out. The Member halls seemed very crowded, especially Friday till about 1 pm, then they were empty. The Dealers halls were "comfortable" most of the time.

Last edited by cbojanower

Dear Chris,


As a York fan wanna be York attendee, I can see what I have been missing and yes Alan, I agree that this beats the no picture rule by a Country Mile. I will be attending this October that's for sure. This has my imagination beat, hands down. Thank you very much!!


Get the good word out! Trains galore!!!!! MAMA MIA!!


Mike Maurice

Originally Posted by cbojanower:

I happened to look at my Flickr stats, the York set has over 66,000 hits (each hit is a photo view) since I posted them. Seems there is interest in the formerly secret going-ons at York

WOW!  Two hits came from me.

Thanks again for positing. The pictures especially make me want to attend!

Last edited by Mark Boyce
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