Thank you Paul, very kind, much appreciated! This design might make an article longer than I usually submit for publication, with lots of detail and considerations.
The building kit is from Best Barns, their Arlington model at 12x24 12x24 Arlington. The current cost at Home Depot is $7670 for the materials kit. Includes a loft and pull-down stairs, for lots of storage in the loft, can almost stand up in the center. To that kit I have to add:
- Site prep - remove one large tree, cut some existing concrete parking apron.
- New concrete slab, 16x24 (including the 4' wide front porch)
- Plumbing: sewer, water for restroom, turbo fan
- Insulation and sheetrock for interior walls, interior painting
- Ceiling insulation and drop-ceiling
- Exhaust fan in ceiling to clear train "smoke"
- Electrical: outlets and lighting (not determined yet)
- Shingles for roof
- Carpet
- Likely would need to re-side the structure to match the existing home, for appearance and within covenants, paint to match house
- Add-on front porch
- Construction labor
- Contractor overhead
- One window AC unit, one faux fireplace (electric) for heat.
Perhaps $35,000 - $40,000 for the entire building? Have not talked with a contractor yet.
Then of course, there is a cost for the layout itself and track, scenery, etc. Power supplies supporting TMCC/Legacy and DCS. Three power zones? The two mains and the interior yard and town mainline? Maybe $4500? The turnouts are over $100 each, and there are a lot of them ($26)!