There have been many, many posts on this problem. It's most pronounced on the earliest Proto 1's, of all kinds.
Assuming that the BCR is good, that is once it is charged (which may take two or three minutes), when you turn the power off the sound should continue for maybe 7-10 seconds. If it goes away immediately then you have a bad BCR or charging circuit.
Remember that Proto 1's follow this sequence: 'Reset' -> 'Forward' -> 'Neutral' -> 'Reverse' -> 'Neutral' -> 'Forward' -> etc.
If the BCR is ok then you have to be very precise with applying the voltage in order to get it out of 'Reset'. In your video you're going moving the throttle too quick and too extreme. The early ones are very sensitive to this.
I am most successful when I use a Lionel TPC. They feature pre-programmed button sequences on the Cab handheld remote that apply voltage at the correct levels and with the correct timing to get out of 'Reset' almost every time (9 out of every 10 times in my experience). This works quite well with my Allegheny and E9's.
Here's the sequence if you want to do it with a transformer:
1.) Apply a high throttle setting (> 15 VAC). You'll get the two clanks and the chuffing.
2.) Bring it down to a middle throttle setting (8 VAC). You should now hear what sounds like the transmission on an old Buick dropping into 'Drive' long after the gear selector is placed in 'D'.
3.) Push the direction button and it should take off going forward,
Be aware that not all transformers will work with Proto 1's. There should be a list of tested ones in the engine's user's manual. If you don't hear the Buick clunk then try another transformer.
Follow this link for a posting by @gunrunnerjohn that shows the list of transformers typically found in the users' manual:
From the User's Manual for your locomotives | gunrunnerjohn
Also be aware that MTH published a different sequence way, way back at the beginning. You may need that one.
Let us know how you make out.