So, older TMCC loco. 8010.
I did search threads, the net, and found some insight as to the bottom screw. Just that one, the collector/roller is held by an above screw.
Work on my postwar stuff but, and modern steam... first time into this one.
Bought it recently and though it’d been run somewhat dry, it’s like new and behaves well. I’ll go through it.
Photo showed it with all its steps,…missing five though when it got here.
Bought a new pilot, no NYC available, so I raided it for steps and mu’s, painted ‘em up and they’re ready to add on.
So, happens of course that both pilots are a little bit ‘loose’, so I need to drop the trucks to access the pilot mount screws.
In the exploded diagram the trucks have just that one screw in the bottom that goes up to the piece the motor mounts the other side on top of. I have probably used about 98% of the force needed to pull the trucks, right?...I read they’re tough to pull off but they go back pretty easily. Not wanting to damage anything I guess I mighta stopped short.
Any insight or tricks or approach?
And it drags on,…wanting a look at the battery…loosened the six screws that hold the body shell to the frame and it seems ‘stuck’….as though it were one.
I’ve opened my GP-9’s from the same era without a problem..
Have fun runnin’,