This may have been already discussed, and, if so, I apologize-but I just received a printed 2022 Catalog and it basically stops on page 93 (vs the 140 pg on-line edition)-leaving out the entire Traditional Line and accessories. It made me wonder if this is any indication of the direction Lionel is going-and, for me, it takes away some from the value of a paper catalog ( being able to sit and leisurely page thru the offerings). No big thing, but certainly caught my eye. Money saving for Lionel, I presume. And something we will grow accustomed to. turtle7
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i think they printed them like this because of a paper shortage
They only printed out the high end BTO stuff. Shows where their priorities are.
Ryan has stated multiple times in a number of catalog walk-throughs that it was only printed due to a shortage of paper. This is a very real problem for the printing industry. While I would’ve liked to see a full catalog it makes since to get the paper ones out with the BTO items that they absolutely need number on in order to make them. I don’t see Lionel drying to down play the traditional line as it’s been stated before by officials the traditional line is where the money is really made to keep the scale line viable. Don’t get discouraged with this “small” print catalog
The traditional section of the catalog was mostly reruns of existing items from previous catalogs. Didnt see much effort for anything new put into it.
Yes, my good friend in Nashville (Owen Fox) didn’t believe me when I told him the new 2022 on line catalog had everything in it, and that the real paper book stopped on 93… Wow, he actually called Lionel, and was told, paper shortage. I also agree, it contained a lot of reruns. No disrespect, the scale end of the line is my cup of tea, the new Cab 3 app, the Legacy offerings, but, there are many folks that like the LionChief products and the cool accessories, that’s what Lionel’s famous for, unique painted freight cars, Harry Potter/ Polar Express, Halloween items, and cool buildings and signs… I feel the next catalog will be feature rich. Now, do you all remember the Weaver, K-Line, MTH, Pecos River,, and other competitions catalogs. Now, Lionel is the Main Attraction. Happy Railroading Everyone
What i cant understand is why folks automatically think the reasons behind something must be because the company is out to stick it to the public. Legacy Base 3, price increases, and now what is covered in the catalogs. Instead of this being the first thought, how about we look at the world around us now...what you see for shortages and price increases might just be affecting everyone...not just the cream cheese at the supermarket and plywood at Big Box Hardware that affects Joe the consumer, but the producers of goods are being affected as well (hence the reason why you see price increases at the consumer end). Companies need a profit margin to stay in business. This margin allows for companies to provide vacation time, health benefits, invest in new product development, pay their bills and yes, pocket some money in the end for their investors. Whether you agree or not, this is the way capitalism works and has allowed us the privilege to complain about our model trains rather than not being able to find something to eat for the next day or so.
Without the Christmas section, the 2022 catalog was a bust, very disappointing. If a shortage of paper, simply condense pictures and art work, seems a simple solution. Anything on-line doesn't hold a candle to print copy; never did and never will.
Frankly, my know.
You could fire up your color printer and print your own missing 50 pages. If you have a 2-sided printer, it's just 25 sheets. Staple it to the back of the printed catalog.
I don’t think they should print a physical catalog at all.
@Paul Kallus posted:Without the Christmas section, the 2022 catalog was a bust, very disappointing. If a shortage of paper, simply condense pictures and art work, seems a simple solution. Anything on-line doesn't hold a candle to print copy; never did and never will.
You obviously can’t view the catalog on a big flat screen tv. You would be surprised what you see.
Paul, you nailed it, sitting back in a LazyBoy recliner, a glass of sweet tea, and simply going page by page looking at the most fun book of the year to read. The Lionel dream catalog. I haven’t received the actual catalog yet, so reviewing the catalog via IPad on line has been OK. One good feature of the online version is enlarging the pictures making it easy to read. Happy Railroading Everyone
I have been on a massive purge with my paper items. I am not keeping paper catalogs anymore unless they are rare O and HO catalogs from prior to the 50's. I have been scanning a lot of my paper and recycling it. It is simply a lack of space. I love paper, but I just can't justify collecting it anymore.
I recently got rid of about 20 years of old train catalogs and over 30 years of American Rifleman mags, got ridiculous storing all that paper!
Thanks to all who responded-and I apologize to those thinking I was Lionel bashing-I actually, as hinted by leapinlarry, am more bemoaning the passing of an era. As noted in my profile, I am a retired teacher-in a Chicago medical school where I spent most of my professional life caring for patients, teaching and , the last 30 some years, in medical education leadership. So I use/used computers liberally-and have grown to appreciate the instant access to information they provide. However, like many old farts my age, I also love reading paper-books, articles, etc..-and, for example, "view" my time in the library , down in the stacks ( or what is left of them) as sacred time for myself. So I keep certain books and articles in hard-copy-to take off a shelf and review something special. And finally, the same goes for my leisure time-I enjoy learning about trains just as much as I do collecting them-and still like leisurely perusing old catalogs . That's all-I presume that when oldies like me are gone-these discussions will no longer be had-UNLESS the circle comes round again. You know there is some old data from humans ( mainly children) and chimpanzees that we retain "things" better with handling them in addition to seeing them. Enjoy !!
If limitations are a consideration with the publication of a launch of a major new operating platform, it would make sense to feature products directly affected.
I’m not sure I understand the hand wringing here. Turn on the news there are supply chain issues in almost every sector. Lionel has stated there was a paper shortage before not including the items, their reasoning wasn’t a reactionary response to negative feedback. If the supply chain loosens up by Vol 2 then print Christmas items and sets there and you are covered for anyone walking into a train store buying a starter set before Christmas.
I have a crap ton of catalogs getting ready to get the boot. I only wish Lionel would publish pdfs of the earlier 1990ish through 2009.
Over the weekend, I placed five pre-orders from the new catalog. I've never touched a catalog. It's fine.
I get the tactile, have-it-in-my-my hands points and appreciate the sentiments. I just don't need the paper to see and obtain new trains.