Being 95% satisfied with my 3rd Rail B&O S-1a, I am reluctant to complain, BUT, without "cruise control" programed, the engine starts really slow and smooth (very prototypical), but requires constant throttle adjustments to maintain a constant speed through crossovers and curves. With cruise control engaged, the locomotive can maintain an extremely slow speed setting throughout its journey without any adjustment of the throttle, but, and here's the difficulty.....upon first applying power the locomotive "jerks" very noticeably (and very un-prototypically). Besides the unrealistic visual display, I am concerned about what this very apparent jerk must do to the drive mechanism. Talking with the good folks at 3rd Rail, they suggested re-setting everything and then programming the cruise control again, but after doing that, the problem persists. Any suggestions or experience with this malady and possible solutions would be very welcome.