I was poking around on the auction site and I found a listing for "LIONEL FasTrack 2 MAIN LINE REMOTE SWITCHES LOOP TRACK PACK 4'x8'" which looked like a nice/straightforward layout for a sheet of plywood.
I then opened up SCARM and tried to recreate what was in the listing, sure enough I see a few weird things.
1) The auction poster says the final O36 curve can be made with the 4 1/4 O36 curves which are included with the switches, is this true?
2) I don't think this layout is really a "fit" for a single piece of 4'x8' plywood, right? It's going to basically go right up to the edge of the sheet of the plywood or hang over a little bit, kind of not-so-good I think.
Anyway, it seems like a good idea which needs perhaps some tweaking, although I don't think I'd run it on a single piece of plywood.
Parts list: