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In an e-mail from Bachmann they announced the new On30 center cab diesel is on the water and will ship this month. And I know Bachmann MSRP is more than street price......but even at a discount I do not think I can justify anything near the MSRP for that little diesel. I have a few HO scale SW1500 that I can make look as good for a lot less. I must be getting old.


PS $435 for this is a lot to me as I just bought a O 3r BRASS 4-8-4 fantastic almost half that......When I spend in the future which do you think I'll buy??

Last edited by AMCDave
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Originally Posted by p51:

The only thing I've seen about these engines is everyone has the on pre-order, and a video I caught on youtube of a pilot model. Nobody appears to have them yet or knows when they will...

Bachmann says the locos are 'On the water' in other words they have left the manufacture in China but yet to clear US Customs.

This is a really hard time-frame to estimate. You are totally at the mercy of many different entities in a number of countries. It varies from fast to painfully slow.....and there is nothing you can do!!

Originally Posted by AMCDave:
Originally Posted by Allan Miller:

Best price I've seen thus far, without having shopped around very much, is $250.  I figure that's reasonable enough.

That's a lot better....I do not understand why Bachmann does this.....but still more than my brass loco!

It's simple:


The illusion of a bargain.  You'll sell more products listing at $435.00 and selling for $250.00 than you will listing at $275.00 and selling for $250.00.



Last edited by Rusty Traque

Considering most On30ers bash their models, it's a high price to pay for something that one would like to modify. People bashed the heck out of the shays, porters, climaxes, and 2-8-0s as they all had street prices below $100.


That, combined with the fact this model is well outside most On30ers modeling period makes me hope Bachmann doesn't gauge the On30 market to be narrower than it actually is.


Last edited by ScottyB

I saw three of them at a local hobby shop over the weekend (at retail prices). They looked great and I'm sure they run well, too.

All of them were unlettered, I assume Bachmann is finally understanding how many people into On30 like to take their stuff and use theur own road names.

It's very tempted to get one as I'd love to have a shorter switcher for my On30 layout (as all my other locos are ten-wheelers) but I think it wouldn't make much sense to have a diesel on a backwood Tennessee NG RR during WW2. So, for that reason mostly, pass.

Originally Posted by Bessemer643:

$220.00 purple hall at York TCA meet

Yep! One of those hefty beauties (they really are) was, in fact, my sole York Meet purchase this time around. Got the yellow one, and I saw several others being sold by the same dealer.


If you're on the fence about getting one, or want to learn more about this engine before buying, you might want to read George Brown's comprehensive review in our upcoming January issue.

Last edited by Allan Miller
Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
... It's simple:


The illusion of a bargain.  You'll sell more products listing at $435.00 and selling for $250.00 than you will listing at $275.00 and selling for $250.00.



Perhaps that's the impression a newbie in this hobby might conclude.  But quite frankly, most of us can see through the inflated MSRP model before we even get our day started.  This last catalog from Lionel is a complete joke with MSRP's, and perhaps Bachmann is trying the same nonsense.  They're not on my radar screen, so can't say for sure what's driving them.  But eventually, these list-prices become absolutely meaningless.  


In the case of Lionel, is anybody really thinking they're getting a bargain by paying $455 for an S-2 switcher instead of the $650 MSRP?     





Having owned a few On30 engines. I find On30 Bachmann quality is not that great. My DCC Shay and small Gas side rod engines are less then desirable in operation and frequently break down. Will Bachmann's new stable of expensive On30 engines have better quality? They look great but I do not want more shelf Queens.

Originally Posted by Seacoast:

Having owned a few On30 engines. I find On30 Bachmann quality is not that great. My DCC Shay and small Gas side rod engines are less then desirable in operation and frequently break down. Will Bachmann's new stable of expensive On30 engines have better quality? They look great but I do not want more shelf Queens.

Did you get the repair kits for the gas loco and the Shay Bachmann offered for free???They sent me one for each loco I own.....but my gas loco runs fine right now.

Originally Posted by AMCDave:
Originally Posted by Seacoast:

Having owned a few On30 engines. I find On30 Bachmann quality is not that great. My DCC Shay and small Gas side rod engines are less then desirable in operation and frequently break down. Will Bachmann's new stable of expensive On30 engines have better quality? They look great but I do not want more shelf Queens.

Did you get the repair kits for the gas loco and the Shay Bachmann offered for free???They sent me one for each loco I own.....but my gas loco runs fine right now.

Thanks for the info. No I did not. I wonder if they are still available. For the money spent you would think the products would be abit more durable and use more robust parts to begin with.

Last edited by Seacoast

I just ordered gears for a Climax and got them about 10 days later. My understanding is most gears are still available. There is a special email address set up for requests, and if I didn't have to rush to work, I'd find it for you. It's in the Bachmann forums somewhere. 


Everything I have in on30 runs just fine. 


Bachmann claims gear issues are a thing of the past. The heisler has had no complaints that I've heard. I expect the new switcher to be very good. 



Originally Posted by ScottyB:

Everything I have in on30 runs just fine. 




I have more than 30 engines representing virtually every type of On30 motive power that Bachmann has produced (some in multiple versions). They don't see a whole lot of running time these days, but did in the past and will again in the future.  No problems to date.

Last edited by Allan Miller
Originally Posted by Allan Miller:
Originally Posted by ScottyB:

Everything I have in on30 runs just fine. 




I have more than 30 engines representing virtually every type of On30 motive power that Bachmann has produced (some in multiple versions). They don't see a whole lot of running time these days, but did in the past and will again in the future.  No problems to date.

I do op sessions on an On30 layout with almost all bachmann steam power. It's a large layout that has been in some magazines. The only locos I hear the owner having issues with are the gears for the older shays, and several people who run there have complained about the porter 0-4-0s not being very durable. Other than that, his stuff has been run a LOT with few problems that I'm aware of. But he runs steam only, so no history there with any of their diesels...

Originally Posted by Rocky Mountaineer:
Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
... It's simple:


The illusion of a bargain.  You'll sell more products listing at $435.00 and selling for $250.00 than you will listing at $275.00 and selling for $250.00.



Perhaps that's the impression a newbie in this hobby might conclude.  But quite frankly, most of us can see through the inflated MSRP model before we even get our day started.  This last catalog from Lionel is a complete joke with MSRP's, and perhaps Bachmann is trying the same nonsense.  They're not on my radar screen, so can't say for sure what's driving them.  But eventually, these list-prices become absolutely meaningless.  


In the case of Lionel, is anybody really thinking they're getting a bargain by paying $455 for an S-2 switcher instead of the $650 MSRP?     





We will find out! From the limited feedback here, price (list or street) is not an issue with purchases of big steam, diesel or passenger cars.

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