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So I bought a new MTH Aerotrain and it doesn't run smoothly at all. The rear power truck seems to bind on 036 Fastrack curves. I added some Red n' Tacky to the pivot points where the truck contacts the frame, did the same to the front truck and now at least it won't derail with the cars attached. Does anybody have any other tricks other than break-in?   I didn't put them on but will the wheel skirts and larger diaphragms work on 036 or make it bind worse. I oiled the car as MTH says in the box.

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This dose not sound right to me. Of course I seen worst problems out of the box but MTH product line is usually pretty dependable, as is Lionel and all the rest.

Go on line to the MTH web site and in the talk to us pull down you will be able to send them an e-mail. It might take a few days for a reply but they should be able to help you. 

It sounds like a drive train binding issue to me.

Good luck


Plus, specified capabilities notwithstanding, tighter curves mean more stress, strain and tolerances-pushing. There may be a wiring harness issue inside the body - a friend had such a problem in one of his diesels a few years ago; as I recall, one of the wires was just too short and impeded the truck swing.

I have the PS/3 version of this item, I pull ten cars, including a 2% grade.

I had to work on the rear truck of mine to get it working properly.  Specifically, the small pilot wheels were binding, and they didn't turn smoothly.  I finally ended up with some very small shims under the axle screws to allow the wheels to turn freely.  I then did a little bending on the spring extension to get the proper tension on the truck.  After that, it runs pretty well.

You can't use the larger diaphragms on O36, they will bind.

Bradfish,  I just unboxed my new Aerotrain and have the same problems.  Very jerky operation, no power and no hope at all on 31 radius.  I oiled all the cars as well as the engine.  It totally stalls out on a curve with more than one car in tow.  It works some better on 42 radius but still jerky and no power.  Very disappointing.


It's a very short locomotive as are the cars, so O31 shouldn't be an issue.  Mine runs fine on O36, but it's usually running on O72.  I will say that the rear truck is a very hoaky design.  I have wondered several times if just securing the two wheels solidly in the frame and losing those little pilot wheels would be a better option.  Since the prototype only had two wheels in the rear, it should be a reasonable design.

BradFish1 posted:

So I bought a new MTH Aerotrain and it doesn't run smoothly at all. The rear power truck seems to bind on 036 Fastrack curves.  Does anybody have any other tricks other than break-in?   I didn't put them on but will the wheel skirts and larger diaphragms work on 036 or make it bind worse.

I have one of the original issue Aerotrains from at least 10 years ago.   The cars are 4-wheel, are heavy & don't roll well to begin with, even with the wheels oiled.   It is pretty much of a "lead sled!"

Plus, my loco gets warm to the touch on top after 10-15 minutes of running.   I think they were under-powered then.   I don't know if MTH has improved the newer editions.

Not sure about O-36, but I have O-31 & would say definitely don't put the wheel skirts on... they are pretty much for display only, in my opinion.  

I used Labelle 102 gear oil to lube the wheels and they run fine. I did notice mine does run a little jerky when you start to reverse it. I think the ears wheels start to move before the front. It does run perfect on 054 but the small rear wheels did slip off on a S on 042. Maybe it's because I use the large diaphrams. I have a old Loco Sound version from the firsr run and it actully runs and pulls better than the new Proto 3 version.

I have the same issues.  I just received mine today and the back truck was loose.  It appears someone tried to tighten it.  Grease everywhere .  Silicone beads were broken open and all through the engine.  I cleaned it up but if I run it at 20 scale miles or less it slides and there is very limited traction.  Almost like the motors are not working at the same speed.  Did a reset with no change.  Emailed the dealer I got it from.  We will see what happens tomorrow.  I have a friend that  bought a prior model and his runs great.  I hope I could just get a new power unit.  This is the first MTH I have bought with problems.

Last edited by PRR Joe

GRJ, What kind of tweaking did you do?  On my set the cars pull the rear of the engine off the track in O31, mainly on the curved section of the switches.  They will stall the engine out or cause it to slow considerably on a O31 curve.  After considerable break in, it seems to run ok on O42 but I must advance the DCS throttle to 12 mph before it starts to move.  I have attached 4 aerotrain cars to a legacy GP and they run just fine.  I have attached 4 regular freight cars to the aerotrain engine and all is well.  I have added some weights to the rear of the engine - no help.  It seems that the engine is underpowered for the weight of the cars & something is amiss in the rear allowing it to slide off the rails.  I talked to MTH sales to see if anything has changed on this new run.  She said she would check and get back with me but have not heard anything yet.  Would appreciate any advice.  Thanks, Harry

I am a half hour in to a one hour break in of this set I got 2 days ago.  So far, so good.  Runs like a champ on my O31 Lionel tubular with a PW ZW for power.  I had some trepidation given the above comments.    I did the lube thing and let it sit upside down for 2 days.

I had trouble early on with a PS 1 Burlington Zephyr by MTH.  Ended up taking the rear motor out completely.  Runs fine 15 years in.  I love that set!

To those experiencing difficulty with the Aerotrain, either send it back or take it to an authorized MTH station for repair.  I myself have had it with poor QC from the PRC.

If the engine isn't running smoothly at 4-5 scale MPH, it's broken!  If it doesn't move at all by the time you get to 3-4 MPH on the remote, I'd be very worried.  That is NOT normal!  That's the FIRST thing I'd be looking into.

Mine all had to do with the rear truck, I had to put some very small shims in to allow the rear truck pilot wheels to turn freely, and I had to adjust the bend in the truck part with the pilot wheels on it so it would run properly and not jump the tracks.  I've run it a few times since, several times for several hours, and so far it's run fine.  Oh, it's pulling ten cars, so it's capable of pulling them if it's working properly.

Mine is a PS/3 locomotive, but I bought it used in August of 2013.

Just a follow up.  The dealer I bought it from has another and he will test it so if it works he will replace mine.  This was definitely a manufacture issue since the truck came loose with grease on the outside of the truck.  Thanks Legacy Station for standing behind what you sale.



I received the new engine and it works 50% better then the one I received with the loose back truck and grease on the outside.  It will still need to be tweaked to run better at slow speeds.  It runs great over 20 scale miles but likes to slip in areas on my layout when running at slow speeds.  It seems the back truck needs additional weight.  It also runs better without the additional 4th car I purchased.   MTH would have been better off having the tack on the front motor instead of the back which has a tendency to loose traction at slow speeds.  Not the smoothest running engine but I like the style and will keep it.  Maybe it needs some running time to break it in.  It will get some run time on our TCA, Fort Pitt Division Kids Club Fast Track modular layout.  We set up for the Pittsburgh Home and Garden Show for 10 days from March 4th through the 13th.

I managed to tinker with the rear truck and get mine to a place where it can drag all ten cars around, even on the 2% grade.

I suspect you might be able to move the tach if you were so inclined, that might be an interesting exercise.  You just extend the three wires and use a printed tach strip for the front motor.  You'd probably have to bond the tach reader to the motor with spacers and CA adhesive instead of the bulky motor mount.

Good afternoon, I apologize if this a stupid question, I am kinda new to this. Question related to the new(2016)MTH Aerotrain. I am having issues with the power up sequence with conventional transformer. Sometimes the engine powers up and responds to the button commands of the MTH transformer. Other times it doesn't power up at all. At times when the engine is powered up it  still does not respond to the commands of the transformer, remaining in neutral. I read the manual, but am still stumped. Any idea what I am doing wrong?


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