When I saw this post, I assumed the issue was the type of AC waveform used as input to the Explorer. True 60Hz AC is a sinusoidal waveform or, sine wave. That’s the output from a simple iron and copper transformer. It reduces the 120VAC sine wave from your wall outlet down to model train levels. In the case of the Z1000 brick, around 18VAC. In order to vary the AC voltage on the track the Z-Controller creates a phase control AC waveform commonly referred to as “shark fin.” Most simple hobby controllers do it this way because it’s inexpensive and perfect for controlling older conventional trains. Even some more expensive supplies use this approach these days but, we won’t pick on anyone here. In contrast, the Z4K produces a smooth 60Hz AC waveform.
The Explorer was designed to use fixed AC or DC voltage input. Typically, and in all cases of our products, this is an AC sine wave or clean filtered DC. The over current protection in the Explorer, in part, counts AC cycles in order to know how long there has been an over current condition. I suspect the blown fuses are coming from shark fin inputs the Explorer doesn’t quite understand. That said, I tried to blow a fuse using a Z1000 brick and two different Z-Controllers and couldn’t do it. The Explorer over current protection detects the shorts caused by derailments (or a screwdriver) and kills power to the track as it should without blowing the fuse.
Sorry for the labored explanation but, I still think this is what is going on here. I’m just surprised I can duplicate it but, admittedly, I didn’t spend a lot of time trying and derailment shorts are dynamic. Partial shorts (wheels skidding across the center and outer rails, etc.) are much more difficult to duplicate than dead shorts.
So, my advice to avoid blowing fuses is, don’t do that! And, by that I mean use a shark fin AC input and derail. Ha, ha. The fuse is there for exactly this kind of corner case where folks get creative with how the products are used. If you really want to vary track voltage through the Explorer use clean AC as the inpout or, get a box of fuses and have a ball. ;-)