also when I push smoke button on remote even though smoke unit is on and smoking remote shows it as on!
so if smoke is on when I push smoke button should remote not say it is being turned off?
the headlight will do same thing this is very perplexing.
At engine Startup, the first press of either the Smoke or Headlight button will often state "ON" even if smoke is already on. After that, it echoes the actual function status.
I have it sitting on TIU #1 fixed 2 area and tethered remote to TIU#1 and tried a engine feature reset and it came back as a TIU error!
The message "TIU ERROR"is only issued when the TIU is tethered and is the equivalent of "OUT OF RF RANGE". It has 5 possible causes with the first 3 being the same as "OUT OF RF RANGE":
The first is that the DCS Remote issued a command to a TIU and did not get a response
A second possible reason why this error message is displayed is that the TIU responded to a command issued by a DCS Remote with a message that the command could not be completed
The third reason in which this error message may be displayed is when adding engines if the DCS Remote contains more than one TIU; the engine being added is on a track belonging to a TIU that is not the lowest numbered TIU; and if any lower numbered TIUs are not powered on
- The fourth reason why the error message is issued is that there is a bent or shorted pin inside the jack on the remote or the TIU where the cable is connected
- The fifth reason why the error message is issued is that the TIU to which your remote is tethered is not entered in your remote.
sometimes I can do a feature reset and sometimes I have to tether remote to the TIU otherwise I get out of rf range message but even that is sporadic never a constant thing.
Most likely the transceiver board in either a TIU, a remote or both has floated out of its socket and is making intermittent contact. This will result in error messages, missed commands and other bad stuff.
This often happens when components are removed from the layout for purposes of updating software and are subject to rougher than usual handling.
Refer to pages 155-157 in The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition for a complete discussion of this topic.
This and a whole lot more is all in MTH’s “The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition", available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!